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Trouble losing while breastfeeding

I was curious if any breastfeeding moms can relate? I lost a few pounds for the first 3 months, but now I'm starting to gain with a vengence. I follow weight watchers so I know I'm doing what I'm suppose to be doing (yes- I've added the extra points to account for breastfeeding).

I keep reading all these websites with moms who exclaim the pounds just "melted off" while they breastfed without even trying. Hmmm...definately not happening for me and I'm REALLY trying. What about others?

Wed. Dec 21, 11:02am

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I lost 25lbs when I had my little girl. Breastfed for 8 months and not 1 pound came off. Since joining peertrainer, I've lost another 25.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005, 2:57 PM

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Just keep eating healthy, exercise and drink your water... the most important thing right now is the milk from you for your baby... I let any amount of dieting go until he was on his way in eating solids. He is now 21, I am losing about a pound a week (or less)- but I am not truly restricting calories all that much.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005, 4:11 PM

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My daughter is now 15 months and still nursing morning and night. I have been stuck at the same weight for about a year. Trying not to cut too many calories. Feel like I'm not going to lose anything as long as she is still breastfeeding... Just feel a little lost.?.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010, 9:48 PM

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Is your child taking a bottle at all? This would play a big factor. How old is your baby. another factor? Does your child use a pacifier, another factor. Maybe your just an every other week loser. Just try and relax and enjoy your child. How about telling the weigher at weight watchers you don't want to know what your weight is. I hope your drinking your 4 servings of milk. Are you getting enough protein The bond you are building with your child is forever ! ? good Luck. You will lose the weight, but you'll never have this time with your child. Just relax! When I was young, I nursed all 4 of my children, it's hard but worth it!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010, 10:33 PM

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