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Websites for nutrition information

I just discovered today. It list calorie counts from different restaurants. (It also lists points for WW people) I was SHOCKED to learn that a slice of cheese pizza from Costco is 804 calories!!! I know it's huge but I would have guessed closer to 500 or 600. I have definitely eaten 2 slices in one sitting...that was over my total calories for the whole day.

What other websites do you use (besides going directly to the restaurant's site) to help with your nutrition goals?

Mon. Dec 19, 4:49pm

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Wow, that is a huge amount of calories! I know I can usually pack away quite a bit of pizza but I can only do 1 slice at Costco, thank god! I'm almost afriad to see what sort of fat it has.

Monday, December 19, 2005, 4:53 PM

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Monday, December 19, 2005, 5:09 PM

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Costco Cheese Slice (1/6 of pizza)
Calories: 804
Total Fat: 38
Sat. Fat: 20
Sodium: 1709 mg
Carbs: 71 g
Fiber: 2.5 g
Protein: 44 g

Monday, December 19, 2005, 5:25 PM

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I use the nutrition information provided here on PEERtrainer (it's linked under "diet & fitness"), or I use a book by Corinne Netzer, "The Complete Book of Food Counts".

I'm not familiar with Costco pizza, I'm guessing it's deep dish since they're nearly twice the calories of thin crust. My favorite hint for eating NY-style pizza: save yourself around 50 cals per slice by not eating the end crust.

Monday, December 19, 2005, 5:37 PM

Add comment also lists hundreds of restaurants. I think it is an EXCELLENT idea to look things up before you go out - you have no clue sometimes just how fattening some of these restaurant dishes really are!


Monday, December 19, 2005, 7:04 PM

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the BEST nutrition website on the web!

This guy has done such a fabulous job with this site - and it's totally free.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 12:14 AM

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The original

I think most (all?) calorie-content calculations are ultimately based off the values published by the USDA for raw ingredients (and some prepared food) I suspect this is also the source for peer trainer's calorie counter, but sometimes you can find stuff in one, but not the other. The big advantage of the USDA site is that it will usually give you counts either by wieght or by volume - handy when you're calculating the calories in a homemade recipie


Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 2:40 PM

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