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Are you in too deep?

Over the past 3 months losing weight has become a "hobby" for me. I count calories religiously and log everything daily. I spend at least 30 minutes a day on PT. While I have seen great results and am really happy about the direction I am going in, when I step back I can see how easy it would be to become compulsive about it. I have "let myself go" on vacations a couple times - I didn't go crazy, just didn't count - and I had serious feelings of guilt and fear that I would get fat again. I am sure I don't have an eating disorder because I eat between 1200 and 1400 calories a day... but I am just wondering if anyone has realized, whoa, maybe I am taking this too seriously?

I thought to write this thread because A) I have a friend of a friend who recently got down to 78 lbs and is still in denial about her anorexia. She started out slightly overweight and began counting calories...and has just cut them and cut them until she has faded away. B) In the thread "I'm new and disgusted with myself" there is a poster who - while I am not at all accusing her of having an eating disorder - eats very little and seems very regimented about it. She said, "I have fought hunger for a long time and its apart of my life." In my opinion this kind of restrictiveness can lead down a bad path.

Weight loss should be a positive and affirming journey where we become better versions of ourselves, not where we are reduced to an obsession with numbers. Not saying that counting calories is bad - I will continue to do it - but I am making an effort to not let it be such a huge part of my life. The number of calories I eat today don't decide whether I am good or bad... I catch myself thinking that I am lazy and gluttonous because I gave in to something I shouldn't have had.

This is long and rambling...sorry. But anyone been here?

Sun. Aug 12, 8:17pm

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Thanks for starting this thread. People need to be reminded that weight loss can be a wonderful thing but having an eating disorder is just as bad as being overweight.

I had bulimia and exercise bulimia (exercising for 3+ hours every day) for 2 years in university. I remember one final exam where all I did for the exam was draw pictures of food and list every bite of food I had eaten for the past week. I finally realized I had a real problem when I started cutting myself, just because I was in so much pain mentally. Luckily, I realized right away that this was a serious problem and got help.

Now, 8 years later, I am losing pregnancy weight, and I have to be very careful that my eating habits don't become obsessive. It's so easy to label my days as "good" or "bad" based on calories, but that shouldn't be what determines our days. My calorie goal is 1400-1800, which leaves lots of flexibility. And if I have a day where I go over, that's okay. It bothers me when people eat one fattening meal and label themselves as "bad".

I also noticed the thread "I"m new and disguested with myself" where one poster said if she ate more than 750 calories a day, she would gain weight. This is not a healthy lifestyle. To anyone out there who is becoming compulsive about their eating, just be careful. I agree totally with the OP, weight loss should be a positive and affirming journey.

Sunday, August 12, 2007, 8:57 PM

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