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Losing inches but not weight

Anyone has the above experience?

My inches are lost mostly in the upper body.

I have a 25.5 inch waist now but a bulging belly below the navel. There is another big blob of fat on the outer thigh. Overall, am not able to put on a bikini.

My exercise is mostly on the elliptical and some gentle weights.

Any suggestions?

Sat. Dec 17, 9:07pm

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Not on the subject but 25.5 inch waist now!!! That's unreal. I would do anything to have that measurement. Do you follow a particular weight program or sort of wing it?

Sunday, December 18, 2005, 3:02 AM

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Have you tried doing ab work on a regular basis? Ab work on a stability ball is great! Maybe a more serious weight lifting routine would help. Do you go to a gym? I'm thinking a trainer might be able to help you focus on your problem areas.

Sunday, December 18, 2005, 9:06 AM

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I have gone on the elliptical, usually not more than 30 min, thrice a week.
When I can find the time, I do simple lunges with dumbells and 3 sets of crunches.
Am not able to afford a personal trainer. Hope to get access to a pool and gym in the new year.

My situation feels like the fat has migrated downwards from the upper body (bra cup size is reduced) to the lower half. Should I rejoice that there is some fat movement (looking at the filled half cup)?

Sunday, December 18, 2005, 9:34 AM

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My mom lost a lot of weight dieting and exercising a few years ago and the first place she lost weight was in her upper body (breasts). The last place it went was also her butt, thighs, and lower stomach. She kept at it and looks amazing now. she lost all that fat in her lower body. Keep it up and it'll slowly melt away!
I've recently lost about 20 pounds but have lost nothing in my chest. It was an all around loss. I think the difference between my mom's loss and mine was that she focused on cardio, especially running, whereas I focused on a variety of cardio exercises and much more weight lifting.
Maybe it was the weight lifting that let me lose the weight all over rather than in one area.
Try adding weights to your routine. You could purchase a set of 8-10 pound dumbells and a stablility ball and get all your muscles worked out with just that.

Sunday, December 18, 2005, 2:05 PM

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If you are new to exercise this can happen as you gain muscle weight and loose fat. Did you actually develop fat deposits in your lower body as you exercised or were those there before. How close are you to your goal? Sure, a 25 inch waist sounds tiny to a lot of us but if you're really petite maybe it's not to you.

Monday, December 19, 2005, 6:13 AM

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Try doing more interval training on the elliptical - try and "sprint" for a minute, then go at a normal, "walking" pace for a minute or two, then do the "sprint" again. Work up until the "sprints" are longer than the "walks." This really gets your metabolism moving, and you can keep it up for far longer than just going for as long as you can sprint, just a few minutes, and then stopping, or going the entire time at a pace that you can keep up for 30 minutes. Just make sure you do about 5 minutes first and last at just a normal pace to warm up and cool down!

Also, instead of "light weights," do a real weight workout, like was mentioned above. You can get a great workout just with what's lying around the house. You can do dips off of your bed or couch or stairs. You can do lots of arm workout with different "weights" depending on your strength - cans of veggies, 20oz bottles of water/soda/etc (or just keep two that you would throw out and fill with water to lift), half gallon jugs left over from milk, etc. Do lunges and squats - holding something heavy when it gets too easy. And add in some ab exercises. The more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn per day. And you have to burn excess calories to get rid of fat.

Good luck!!

Monday, December 19, 2005, 9:56 AM

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losing inches but not weight

Hearing what you descirbe about the area of weight still hanging on makes me think of something I read that really hit me. Stress fat. I know we have all seen those crazy commercials for some fad pill - but part of it is true. Stress makes us hold onto fat - especially in our bellies. I have the same problem. HUGE bulging belly and large love handles, but keep at it. All of us need to keep at it.
Advice - add in some meditation. Do you use headphones to work out? If so then stop - use the time to clear your head. Letting go of stress will help the weight come off

Monday, December 19, 2005, 9:14 PM

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belly fat is always the last to go

that is the body's main storage area for fat. So, you'll start to notice weight loss in the face, neck, arms, chest, etc. before you'll see the greater decreases in the stomach and hips. Kind of discouraging that way when you are gauging success by your pant sizes! but just keep that in mind. It will come, just keep on working!!
*see bottom of page at this link

Also, many believe that excess belly fat can be caused by too much cortisol (i.e. STRESS!) you in your life. If that is the case for you, try looking into that area for you life for a little boost.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 12:11 AM

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Depends on the body type

I lose belly fat pretty easily, since I'm pear-shaped. The hardest areas for me are inner thighs and arms. You may want to try increasing the intensity of your weights to firm your muscles further. Also, try running if possible. It's a great total-body conditioner.
Bon Chance!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 7:00 PM

Add comment I am really encouraged. Yes, I am petite and my workout started a year ago. It resulted in a smaller waist and also my face is thinner, bra cup size is smaller, arms are leaner but nothing moved in lower half of the body.

My silly worry is that with more intensive workout, my face will get gaunt. However, I will try the new recommendations with the interval training and heavier weights. Thanks a lot.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 9:12 PM

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Your face won't get gaunt overnight - weight loss is very gradual! So if you start seeing results that you don't like, you can always stop! If that happens, maybe see a personal trainer. I know it's impossible to "spot-train," but they might have some ideas...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005, 11:42 AM

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