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losing all motivation....
Christmas is next weekend, then New years. I want to forget about staying on track over the next 2 weeks but I'm afraid all regret it. Thoughts?
Sat. Dec 17, 3:25pm
I have done that many times, and I have regretted it! Why not choose Christmas and New Year's as your freebie days, and then stick to healthy eating the other days? There will always be occassions for office and b-day parties, but if we're going to get healthier we have to choose the occassions we want to allow ourselves to indulge. After New Year's, there's Valentines, and all that chocolate! So choose x-mas, new year's, and maybe valentine's to indulge, but stay on track the rest of the time. You will feel so much better, and your New Year's resolution can be to keep doing as well as you are, as opposed to having to make a resolution racked with guilt.
Stay on course!
Saturday, December 17, 2005, 3:31 PM
Yes, you'll regret it!
I have been off track since Thanksgiving. The more I gave in the easier it has been to say "forget it until after the holidays". Meanwhile, I've gained back 4 of the 15 lbs I lost! I am back on track today and will hopefully lose it withing a month so I can say I didn't gain weight over the holidays! DON"T DO IT!
Gred 1994
Saturday, December 17, 2005, 3:55 PM
I have just found my refocus as well. I or my son was sick for 3 weeks and we were out of town for one of them. I am also in a way scared to lose it fast, because I don't want to gain it back and more. I have a dress from the time I was thin in 98- I never got to wear it due to just not many occaisons to wear a nice dress like that... now I would just wear it to the grocery store if I anyway find something that you really want to wear again in the back of your closet, bring it out and hang it where you can see it. Feel yourself in it, see yourself in it... mingle with that idea... and brush your teeth. You won't want to eat a thing. Then get some water and plan when you are going to work out.... :) Hey, you are on your way!
Saturday, December 17, 2005, 10:12 PM
The 2nd poster is right. Choose Christmas and New Year as the days to indulge yourself. That way you have those days to look forward to and you won't feel bad or guilty if you stay on track till those days. Its always easy to quit and then say I'll restart on next year, big mistake. Most people will commit for the first month maybe even 2 and then thats it. I can't tell you how crowed my gym is Jan, Feb and then come March you start seeing less and less people.
Sunday, December 18, 2005, 11:53 AM
Don't give up!
I too feel like giving in "just until new year's." However, I have it on good authority that there will be Christmas next year, and the year after that. And someone will definitely bake cookies then too.
Maybe we can help you with more specific suggestions if you told us a little bit more about why you want to "forget about staying on track for the next two weeks"
Are you feeling deprived?
maybe your weight loss plan is too restrictive and you need to modify it a bit, rather than chucking it altogether.
Are there special foods that mean "Christmas" to you?
Indulge in your favorites, but make a special effort to skip unhealthy treats that you don't feel as strongly about.
Does Christmas mean spending time in the kitchen with family?
Is there nothing to do in your relative's home town except watch tv and eat?
Do you not want to admit your new eating plan to your relatives?
Maybe you can be the one to take the kids/nieces/dog to the park or sledding "because *they* shouldn't be cooped up inside all day"
Think about ways to cut yourself a little slack and enjoy the holidays without abandoning healthy eating and excercise altogether
Sunday, December 18, 2005, 4:12 PM
I just don't think it's all or nothing! That's why I can't stand the word "diet". I say, cut yourself a little slack, but don't deprive yourself too much. Think "moderation" and savor the treats, maybe just take a small serving. Be gentle to yourself, but don't go off the deepend and binge, then you WILL be sorry. Best Wishes!
Monday, December 19, 2005, 6:08 AM
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