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going to the bathroom

Ok, fine. I know it. This topic might be a little taboo, but since we seem to be able to talk about just everything here I wanted to bring it up.

I have a couple questions about bowel movements.

First, how many times a day do people go to the bathroom?

Second, are people are going to the bathroom more after loosing weight?

The point here really is to find out whether going to the bathroom more can be read as a sign of a changing / speeding-up metabolism. My mother, who's in great shape and has been her whole life, only goes once a day so, i've always thought that going once a day is a sign of a healthy matabolism. But now that I've been loosing weight, I've been going more. Has anyone else experienced this? And, is it a good sign (just so you all know, my movements are healthy, not -- what's a nice way to put this -- "explosive.")

I don't know, hope I don't offend anyone. Just wanted to ask.

Fri. Dec 16, 1:53pm

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When I eat healthily I end up on a schedule. Once each morning around 9am!
If I eat greasy or fatty foods, or go out and splurge, I go more often and my bowel movements don't look as healthy.
I guess it makes sense that if my eating is fairly consistant (timing and quantity), then so are my bowel movements.

Friday, December 16, 2005, 2:00 PM

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i second that... about once a day unless i'm eating mexican or something. ha

Friday, December 16, 2005, 2:26 PM

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same for me - once a day around 10 am. but for me, I see less healthy effects by going less than once a day...ugh.

Friday, December 16, 2005, 3:31 PM

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wow, i just read that 3 bowel movements per day is average. i have 1.

here's a good site that explains digestion. it's lengthy but it's easy reading (kid-friendly) and informative.


Friday, December 16, 2005, 4:13 PM

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from the OP

thanks for that link. crazy that you're supposed to have 3 a day. who knew?

Friday, December 16, 2005, 4:20 PM

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Interesting link. Here is an excerpt from it that helps answer the original question...

"Healthy water balance in the colon leads to healthy stool patterns. In fact, one of the most important changes a person will notice after following the eating program in this book, is having several smaller, soft (but not diarrhea) stools a day rather than the usual American pattern of one huge bowel movement once a day or every other day. Passage of 4 to 6 soft bowel movements a day suggests that your colon is in biochemical balance."

Friday, December 16, 2005, 4:24 PM

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Yep....3 times a day

From all the research I've done (family history of colon cancer), a healthy person should be eliminating 3 times a day (generally, 3 full meals in = 3 out). I use an herbal colon cleansing supplement that is extremely gentle. It's NOT a laxative or softener. It actually kind of wrings out your colon of toxins to keep everything moving along smoothly. You know what they say....A clean colon is a happy colon! :-D

Friday, December 16, 2005, 4:53 PM

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herbal colon cleansing supplement

can you tell us more about this?

Friday, December 16, 2005, 5:16 PM

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as far as I have been taught anywhere from 1 to 3 BMs is "normal"...according to pharmacy school. With changes in diet, it is reasonable to expect changes in BMs. For example, if your dietary intake of fiber is greatly increased, this will increase the bulk of your stool, which should lead to more regular BMs, possibly more often depending on your habits before. The change in fiber intake will take several days to cause an effect. Basically, fiber can be the remedy to both diarrhea and constipation...depending on the situation.

Anyway, I would be careful when exploring any kind of colon cleansing formulas especially on a regular basis. Maybe something that is very gentle, more like a stool softner would be ok, but diarrhea, even if caused purposefully through laxatives or colon cleansers can cause electrolyte imbalances and serious metabolic disturbances.
Of course to the OP, is doesn't sound like that is your problem. I guess just watch for anything like blood in the stool, black or tarry looking stools, abdomenal pain associated with bowel movements, etc....all which could indicate a bigger problem such as irritable bowel syndrome. Finally, if you are at that age around 50 YO depending on risk factors, go for your colonoscopy and check ups.

Friday, December 16, 2005, 10:45 PM

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Re: herbal colon cleansing supplement

I use Arbonne's Herbal Colon Cleanse. Here is the product info from Arbonne:

"A robust blend of cleansing and detoxifying herbs plus beneficial flora, combined to support colon health. Provides a safe, natural and mild alternative to harsh stimulant laxatives. Promotes a healthy colon by safely and
naturally eliminating potentially harmful toxins. Delivers and supports the growth of beneficial microflora naturally found in the colon. Contains Arbonne’s
proprietary herbal cleanse blend. Plus Lactospore®, a microencapsulated
form of Lactobacillus, which is protected from heat and stomach acids. And FOS, frtooligosaccharides, to enhance the growth and reproduction of
beneficial bacteria."

If you're interested in more info or getting the product check out the link below.


Friday, December 16, 2005, 11:41 PM

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this is only sort of related but I'm glad someone brought up the topic... what would be a good way to get my bowels back on track? I go from normal to constipated to horrible stomach problems to normal...etc etc I was thinking of doing a colon cleanse. any ideas? I've been trying to eat more fiber but other than that my diet is pretty healthy. do you think I could have ibs?

Saturday, December 17, 2005, 12:45 AM

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To the OP, thanks for having the bravery to bring up this topic! Americans would rather talk about sex than bowel movements! Oprah did a whole show about this, because your movements can be a reflection of your diet. Explosive? Lots of cramps and pain? Doesn't sound good. That happens to me sometimes, but if you are eating a diet high in fiber you should probably talk with your doctor if this is an ongoing problem. And yes, if you are 50 and over, please get that colonoscopy. Take care!

Saturday, December 17, 2005, 7:22 AM

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3 a day? Phooey!!

I am an RN with a lot of experience in many areas and a sound base of human physiology. Now, I like what much of what Dr. Sears has to say on many topics, but he has no evidence-based research to back his proclamation that "once a day" is abnormal. In fact the "average" number of bowel movements in the normal, healthy adult ranges from twice a day to every three days. The main thing is to eat a balance of foods, especially those high in fiber such as fruits and veggies, maintain adequate hydration (based not on a set amount of liquid, but on having pale yellow urine), and not too worry overly much on minor bowel variations. Frequent, liquid stools, or very infrequent, hard, difficult stools are both causes for potential concern and can be discussed with your healthcare provider. 'RELAX!!" Debs

Sunday, December 18, 2005, 1:41 AM

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