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fortified OJ weight-loss study
hey everyone
i saw on craigslist about this study at charles MGH testing whether people lose weight faster with the help of calcium and vitamin d foritied orange juice. Thought some boston people might be interested... Eligible people have BMI's between 25 and 35, and are healthy other than their weight. There's a bunch of other requirements obviously, but if you go to craigslist and search for "OJ study" it should come up. I think it was under "volunteers". They pay you for participating, and deliver the OJ right to your door.
Thu. Dec 15, 2:38pm
Couldn't find it? Help please.
Thursday, December 15, 2005, 2:56 PM
Couldn't find it? Help please.
Thursday, December 15, 2005, 2:56 PM
Couldn't find it? Help please.
Thursday, December 15, 2005, 2:56 PM
here ya go
links you to:
Thursday, December 15, 2005, 3:32 PM
here ya go
links you to:
Thursday, December 15, 2005, 3:32 PM
here ya go
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Thursday, December 15, 2005, 3:32 PM
Big commitment small payoff
3 servings a day of OJ? That's a whole lot of wasted calories IMHO. Anywhere between 4-600 calories I would guess. No thanks. Especially not for $375 for 18 weeks--what if it doesn't work?!
Thursday, December 15, 2005, 11:03 PM
Big commitment small payoff
3 servings a day of OJ? That's a whole lot of wasted calories IMHO. Anywhere between 4-600 calories I would guess. No thanks. Especially not for $375 for 18 weeks--what if it doesn't work?!
Thursday, December 15, 2005, 11:03 PM
Big commitment small payoff
3 servings a day of OJ? That's a whole lot of wasted calories IMHO. Anywhere between 4-600 calories I would guess. No thanks. Especially not for $375 for 18 weeks--what if it doesn't work?!
Thursday, December 15, 2005, 11:03 PM
Well you didn't get all the information yet. I did some internet research and there are a LOT of studies that suggest calcium and vitamin D in low-fat dairy or other products help speed up weight loss. The OJ study doesn't just say "drink 3 glasses of OJ along with everything else you already eat and you're going to drop 20 pounds"... you meet with a nutritionist (for FREE) and they develop an eating plan that uses the OJ to fulfill part of your calorie needs not just add them onto your diet. They also have 6 check-ins over the course of the study where they measure your progress and tailor the program more to your needs. Maybe you don't need the money as much as I do either- I'm on Foodstamps, and getting $225 dollars and free orange juice would actually be a great help. I myself think it sounds great because I eat a lot of spinach, but to absorb the iron you need to eat it with some kind of vitamin C and it's easy to just sip a half glass of oj with my salad. For me, this is like killing 4 birds with one stone- getting PAID to meet with a nutritionist and get the vitamin C I don't get enough of any way, and up my calcium intake as well!
Friday, December 16, 2005, 10:13 AM
Well you didn't get all the information yet. I did some internet research and there are a LOT of studies that suggest calcium and vitamin D in low-fat dairy or other products help speed up weight loss. The OJ study doesn't just say "drink 3 glasses of OJ along with everything else you already eat and you're going to drop 20 pounds"... you meet with a nutritionist (for FREE) and they develop an eating plan that uses the OJ to fulfill part of your calorie needs not just add them onto your diet. They also have 6 check-ins over the course of the study where they measure your progress and tailor the program more to your needs. Maybe you don't need the money as much as I do either- I'm on Foodstamps, and getting $225 dollars and free orange juice would actually be a great help. I myself think it sounds great because I eat a lot of spinach, but to absorb the iron you need to eat it with some kind of vitamin C and it's easy to just sip a half glass of oj with my salad. For me, this is like killing 4 birds with one stone- getting PAID to meet with a nutritionist and get the vitamin C I don't get enough of any way, and up my calcium intake as well!
Friday, December 16, 2005, 10:13 AM
Well you didn't get all the information yet. I did some internet research and there are a LOT of studies that suggest calcium and vitamin D in low-fat dairy or other products help speed up weight loss. The OJ study doesn't just say "drink 3 glasses of OJ along with everything else you already eat and you're going to drop 20 pounds"... you meet with a nutritionist (for FREE) and they develop an eating plan that uses the OJ to fulfill part of your calorie needs not just add them onto your diet. They also have 6 check-ins over the course of the study where they measure your progress and tailor the program more to your needs. Maybe you don't need the money as much as I do either- I'm on Foodstamps, and getting $225 dollars and free orange juice would actually be a great help. I myself think it sounds great because I eat a lot of spinach, but to absorb the iron you need to eat it with some kind of vitamin C and it's easy to just sip a half glass of oj with my salad. For me, this is like killing 4 birds with one stone- getting PAID to meet with a nutritionist and get the vitamin C I don't get enough of any way, and up my calcium intake as well!
Friday, December 16, 2005, 10:13 AM
p.s. 600 calories for 3 glasses of OJ? i don't know what brand you're buying, but normal OJ is about 120 calories a cup- so maybe 360 cals, tops.
Friday, December 16, 2005, 10:14 AM
p.s. 600 calories for 3 glasses of OJ? i don't know what brand you're buying, but normal OJ is about 120 calories a cup- so maybe 360 cals, tops.
Friday, December 16, 2005, 10:14 AM
p.s. 600 calories for 3 glasses of OJ? i don't know what brand you're buying, but normal OJ is about 120 calories a cup- so maybe 360 cals, tops.
Friday, December 16, 2005, 10:14 AM
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