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Is microwavable food healthy?

I eat Lean Cuisines and Lean Pockets all the time. I was wondering if they are unhealthy? I know they are not as healthy as a home cooked, nutritious meal, but when I'm on the go, it's so easy to just pop them in the microwave. Plus they taste good and have vegetables. Are they healthy?

Tue. Jul 31, 1:53pm

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it depends...

...on how you feel about what's healthy for you. They sure are better than fast food, but read the ingredient list--they tend to be full of preservatives and added sugar, which isn't very healthful.

I don't eat microwave meals very often, but when I do, I buy Trader Joe's items or other "natural food" brands (Health is Wealth, Garden of Eden, there are a bunch of others that I'm forgetting). With these brands, all of the ingredients are the same ones I would cook with in my kitchen, with no added crap (though you might still want to check the sodium content of some).

Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 2:28 PM

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Low in fat and calories? Sure.
Healthy? Usually not.

Take a gander at the sodium on the back of most of these boxes. Not to mention the ingredient list.

There's usualy enough sodium that, if eaten regularly, may lead to some heart problems, higher blood pressure, etc. I know this 'cause my mom has high blood pressure, and the first thing she watches out for is salty foods. Frozen meals are killers (Think about it... in the old times people used salt to preserve things).

Also, the ingredient list. If you can't pronounce most of the things on the you really want it in your body?

Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 8:41 PM

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8:41 not everyone is affected by salt and it doesn't cause high blood pressure in all. In fact some people can eat huge amounts of salty foods and have no ill affects. There are some frozen foods that are plenty healthy. Amy's frozen foods had very little in them and some are even low sodium and always tasty, there is a whole slew of others as well. The fewer ingredients the better. The best are usually in the health food stores and are a bit more expensive but hey they are better.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 9:13 PM

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Personally, I don't eat anything where the only "cooking" required is throwing it in the micro.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 9:13 PM

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I eat the Lean Cuisine BBQ Chicken pizzas quite a bit. They are tasty and filling. I also eat the Weight Watchers Smart Ones tv dinners. Whenever I eat a microwave meal, I try to pair it with something fresh, like a side salad or a nice piece of fruit. Also, I feel better about it if I drink a huge glass of water with the microwave meal. If you can't prepare your own meal, throwing a Lean Pocket in the microwave is tons better than going for a Big Mac. I think it's totally okay.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 9:22 PM

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Just with the "if you can't prepare you're own meal" bit-

a) I keep pre-homemade meals in the freezer or fridge so I can heat them up when in a rush.

b) in my car, I keep apple sauce, outmeal packets, dried fruit, nuts, jerky, rye crackers, PB... enough that I always have something that will tide me over until I get home. And for the most part, the weather doesn't hamper the choices much. (Except when winter rolls around...)

Healthier than a big mac or a micro meal

Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 9:39 PM

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