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If you're in a public group, please comment.
I know that it's great to log, but the comments are what keeps me accountable.
Tue. Dec 13, 1:56pm
public group comments
I think the comments are great, but I also like looking at someone else's food intake. Sometimes I get some really good ideas on food and recipe ideas or some great healthy snack ideas to help curb the hunger pains and the cravings.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005, 2:39 PM
I like reading the other logs, gives me great tips.
Monday, December 19, 2005, 10:38 AM
I'm more about the comments, but the logs are sometimes helpful. It really bugs me when someone joins the group and then doesn't log or post for days at a time. It's rude, there are only 4 spaces in the group so in or out. Even if you log "i ate like a pig today and I don't want to post it" fine. Or even, "I'm swamped this week, I'll check in Friday." That's cool too. I just hate feeling like there are people out there with access to my logs who aren't contributing at all. I did a search of my local area and there are no open groups. The local group that I'm in has one other active poster and two total duds who log in just often enough to not get kicked out. Maybe it's helping them just to read and one day they'll come around but the group could really be great if the everyone participated. I just hate thinking that there's someone who's really ready to get started & not confident enough yet to start their own group who can't join us because of those space-wasters. (Harsh, I know... just had to vent.)
If you're in a public group, please take it seriously or get out. Start a "sporadic posters" group and leave the space for commited people.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 1:14 AM
Try joining more groups until something clicks. I had to try several before I joined a group where I feel like we really share, and I love them! But my first few were worthless. One had a person who was downright negative and too critical.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 5:45 AM
oh, ouch. At least I don't have a group member like that. Whenever I encounter someone like that I just think how tough it must be for them. Imagine being so mean all the time, it would totally suck.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 9:29 AM
My group is really great. We really support each other. I feel like we're kind of a family in a way - helping to motivate each other to stay on track. One member is very physicially active and has a real elegance to her meals and comes up with great recipes, and another is really sweet and supportive. I find it a wonderful mix of personalities and I really love it.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 10:22 AM
I agree with what the original poster said about commenting (actually, I pretty much agree with everything all you guys have said) but I also want to add, if you are reading the public group logs and comments, PLEASE jump in and comment yourself! There's a reason the comment section is open to everyone.
I think my Broadway group members are awesome, and we do comment a lot, but I also really enjoy when members from other Spotlight groups come over to comment to us, AND when members from the community post comments. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to a girl named Jill who popped in and posted back and forth with me for a couple of days to help me figure out how to calculate my fat/carb/protein intake. I was doing it totally wrong and would most likely not have figured it out was it not for her intervention and help.
It's really nice for those of us in the public groups to hear from you all, even if it's just to pop in and say a quick hello, because that's the only way we know anyone's paying attention to our logs and our conversations.
Kate (kissmekate02 - Spotlight Broadway)
Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 11:22 AM
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