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Low-fat popcorn is OK, right?

I'm talking about the Orville Redenbacher Smart Pop, 94% fat free kind. The label is really hard to figure out for some reason because they give you unpopped AND popped information, but different serving sizes in different places on the label...ugh. Anyway, can anyone tell me about how much fat/calories a bag has?

Mon. Jun 6, 9:36pm

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popcorn ok?

I don't know about the fat calories, but if you're trying to cut carbs. popcorn isn't the way to go. A lot of those microwave popcorns have a TON of sodium which is not good. I think there is a calorie counter on this website...

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 2:15 AM

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popcorn ok?

I don't know about the fat calories, but if you're trying to cut carbs. popcorn isn't the way to go. A lot of those microwave popcorns have a TON of sodium which is not good. I think there is a calorie counter on this website...

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 2:15 AM

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popcorn ok?

I don't know about the fat calories, but if you're trying to cut carbs. popcorn isn't the way to go. A lot of those microwave popcorns have a TON of sodium which is not good. I think there is a calorie counter on this website...

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 2:15 AM

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low-fat popcorn

Not trying to be ugly or discouraging but, corn is corn and it is a very starchy, fattening food. Why do you think they feed it to cows and pigs? To fatten them up! It's one of those foods you just can't eat a little of. Also, if you're eating "fat free" stuff, well, the popcorn for instance, it just means they have replaced the real butter or whatever with some synthetic junk. I wish people would realize what is happening. It is all a marketing scheme. This junk actually makes you more hungry so you buy more but keep buying the same junk because it's labeled "healthy". Please buy REAL meat, fruit and vegetables and you will find that your cravings diminish after a little while because you are giving your body what it needs and wants. (real vitamins, nutrients and enzymes) Corn is fattening and you would be extremely surprised to know how many additives are derived from corn. Really scary.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 7:41 AM

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low-fat popcorn

Not trying to be ugly or discouraging but, corn is corn and it is a very starchy, fattening food. Why do you think they feed it to cows and pigs? To fatten them up! It's one of those foods you just can't eat a little of. Also, if you're eating "fat free" stuff, well, the popcorn for instance, it just means they have replaced the real butter or whatever with some synthetic junk. I wish people would realize what is happening. It is all a marketing scheme. This junk actually makes you more hungry so you buy more but keep buying the same junk because it's labeled "healthy". Please buy REAL meat, fruit and vegetables and you will find that your cravings diminish after a little while because you are giving your body what it needs and wants. (real vitamins, nutrients and enzymes) Corn is fattening and you would be extremely surprised to know how many additives are derived from corn. Really scary.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 7:41 AM

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low-fat popcorn

Not trying to be ugly or discouraging but, corn is corn and it is a very starchy, fattening food. Why do you think they feed it to cows and pigs? To fatten them up! It's one of those foods you just can't eat a little of. Also, if you're eating "fat free" stuff, well, the popcorn for instance, it just means they have replaced the real butter or whatever with some synthetic junk. I wish people would realize what is happening. It is all a marketing scheme. This junk actually makes you more hungry so you buy more but keep buying the same junk because it's labeled "healthy". Please buy REAL meat, fruit and vegetables and you will find that your cravings diminish after a little while because you are giving your body what it needs and wants. (real vitamins, nutrients and enzymes) Corn is fattening and you would be extremely surprised to know how many additives are derived from corn. Really scary.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 7:41 AM

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Orville Redenbacher's Smart Pop 94% Fat Free popcorn has 220-225 calories in an entire full-sized bag.

My mom swears on the diet of substituting a bag of popcorn in front of the TV for dinner, she says she always wakes up lighter in the morning! I'm not advocating that, though, because there's only so far you can go on essentially no nutrients and just a bunch of salt! But I love it as an afternoon snack at work, especially if I'm heading to the gym after work. I think it's one of the most filling 220 calories out there, it's great b/c you feel like you're eating A LOT!

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 8:06 AM

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Orville Redenbacher's Smart Pop 94% Fat Free popcorn has 220-225 calories in an entire full-sized bag.

My mom swears on the diet of substituting a bag of popcorn in front of the TV for dinner, she says she always wakes up lighter in the morning! I'm not advocating that, though, because there's only so far you can go on essentially no nutrients and just a bunch of salt! But I love it as an afternoon snack at work, especially if I'm heading to the gym after work. I think it's one of the most filling 220 calories out there, it's great b/c you feel like you're eating A LOT!

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 8:06 AM

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Orville Redenbacher's Smart Pop 94% Fat Free popcorn has 220-225 calories in an entire full-sized bag.

My mom swears on the diet of substituting a bag of popcorn in front of the TV for dinner, she says she always wakes up lighter in the morning! I'm not advocating that, though, because there's only so far you can go on essentially no nutrients and just a bunch of salt! But I love it as an afternoon snack at work, especially if I'm heading to the gym after work. I think it's one of the most filling 220 calories out there, it's great b/c you feel like you're eating A LOT!

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 8:06 AM

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low fat popcorn IS ok!

Especially if you stick to the mini-bags. Each low-fat mini bag has 100 calories after popping. The reason it has slightly less calories after popping than before is that you don't get all the oil and other "stuff" they put in the bottom of the bag. Popcorn is also high in fiber...a 100 calorie bag has 4 grams! It is a great low cal snack that can fill you until your next meal. My friend's nutritionist recommended the single serve bags to her.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 1:16 PM

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low fat popcorn IS ok!

Especially if you stick to the mini-bags. Each low-fat mini bag has 100 calories after popping. The reason it has slightly less calories after popping than before is that you don't get all the oil and other "stuff" they put in the bottom of the bag. Popcorn is also high in fiber...a 100 calorie bag has 4 grams! It is a great low cal snack that can fill you until your next meal. My friend's nutritionist recommended the single serve bags to her.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 1:16 PM

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low fat popcorn IS ok!

Especially if you stick to the mini-bags. Each low-fat mini bag has 100 calories after popping. The reason it has slightly less calories after popping than before is that you don't get all the oil and other "stuff" they put in the bottom of the bag. Popcorn is also high in fiber...a 100 calorie bag has 4 grams! It is a great low cal snack that can fill you until your next meal. My friend's nutritionist recommended the single serve bags to her.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 1:16 PM

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94% FF is a-o-k!

It's a good source of fiber, and if you're exercising regularly (especially cardio), you need some carbs. Better to come from a high fiber source than from rice or pasta or bread.

Sure, there's some chemicals in there, and sodium, and so I personally wouldn't eat it every day. But I've probably had it once a week for a couple of years and I've lots a whole lot of weight.

Everything in moderation really is the only diet truth, and that includes your microwave popcorn. My 2 cents.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 1:49 PM

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94% FF is a-o-k!

It's a good source of fiber, and if you're exercising regularly (especially cardio), you need some carbs. Better to come from a high fiber source than from rice or pasta or bread.

Sure, there's some chemicals in there, and sodium, and so I personally wouldn't eat it every day. But I've probably had it once a week for a couple of years and I've lots a whole lot of weight.

Everything in moderation really is the only diet truth, and that includes your microwave popcorn. My 2 cents.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 1:49 PM

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94% FF is a-o-k!

It's a good source of fiber, and if you're exercising regularly (especially cardio), you need some carbs. Better to come from a high fiber source than from rice or pasta or bread.

Sure, there's some chemicals in there, and sodium, and so I personally wouldn't eat it every day. But I've probably had it once a week for a couple of years and I've lots a whole lot of weight.

Everything in moderation really is the only diet truth, and that includes your microwave popcorn. My 2 cents.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 1:49 PM

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Air popped popcorn

Leaving the carbs aside, if you air pop your popcorn, you can control the portion size and the amount of butter/salt, etc that you put on it. The only difficulty is having to buy the machine, but I would looked for a used one on and see what's available. It makes me feel better to know exactly what I put in my food rather than buying a specific product. Plus, I don't even have a microwave!

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 2:35 PM

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Air popped popcorn

Leaving the carbs aside, if you air pop your popcorn, you can control the portion size and the amount of butter/salt, etc that you put on it. The only difficulty is having to buy the machine, but I would looked for a used one on and see what's available. It makes me feel better to know exactly what I put in my food rather than buying a specific product. Plus, I don't even have a microwave!

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 2:35 PM

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Air popped popcorn

Leaving the carbs aside, if you air pop your popcorn, you can control the portion size and the amount of butter/salt, etc that you put on it. The only difficulty is having to buy the machine, but I would looked for a used one on and see what's available. It makes me feel better to know exactly what I put in my food rather than buying a specific product. Plus, I don't even have a microwave!

Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 2:35 PM

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low fat popcorn

Popcorn is a whole grain food, and therefore can be part of a healthy diet. Here's a great secret: you don't have to buy microwave popcorn to cook it in the microwave. Buy a bag of popcorn, and stick it in the microwave in a microwave-safe container (I use brown lunch bags for mine and cook it for 1.5 minutes). Then you can add whatever seasonings you want and control the fat and sodium content.

Sunday, June 12, 2005, 4:10 PM

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low fat popcorn

Popcorn is a whole grain food, and therefore can be part of a healthy diet. Here's a great secret: you don't have to buy microwave popcorn to cook it in the microwave. Buy a bag of popcorn, and stick it in the microwave in a microwave-safe container (I use brown lunch bags for mine and cook it for 1.5 minutes). Then you can add whatever seasonings you want and control the fat and sodium content.

Sunday, June 12, 2005, 4:10 PM

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low fat popcorn

Popcorn is a whole grain food, and therefore can be part of a healthy diet. Here's a great secret: you don't have to buy microwave popcorn to cook it in the microwave. Buy a bag of popcorn, and stick it in the microwave in a microwave-safe container (I use brown lunch bags for mine and cook it for 1.5 minutes). Then you can add whatever seasonings you want and control the fat and sodium content.

Sunday, June 12, 2005, 4:10 PM

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