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Already tempted and it's only 9am!

This is going to be a tuff day. I can just feel it. I woke up thinking about cookies. I talked myself out of buying some candy bars at the gas station on my way into work this morning. I'm currently sitting at my desk, thinking about the cake in the break room fridge. I know...sometimes you need to give yourself a treat. But, I've been giving myself a "treat" every day now for the past 2 months and I have the 9 pound weight gain to show for it!

I'm not going to do it. Not at this moment. Not today. This day is going to be different. This day, I'm going to be in control. I'm going to plan what I want to eat, and I'm going to eat what I plan for. No extras. No "sneak" tastes. Today, I'm going to do this for me.

Tue. Dec 13, 10:02am

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Telll me about it. All I want is a huge breakfast of pastries, croissants etc. Must be something in the air.

I won't do it either.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005, 10:07 AM

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Keep it up! You will be so proud of yourself when you make it through the day!!! We're here to listen and help. I have faith that you can succeed with this today and continue to make progress. Once you get out of the habit of having treats regularly, you actually don't crave them as much. You might want to plan one day a week or so when you will have a treat (a sensible treat, not the entire half gallon of ice cream), so that you have that to look forward to. You can do it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005, 12:20 PM

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I started "pat on the back" thread just for this reason. Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back for all that you haven't given into. And feel proud on the little accomplishments you've made.
Here is to a great afternoon and evening!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005, 1:04 PM

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Are you hungry or craving?

Can you have a piece of fruit or another healthy snack?

When I can't decide if it's real hunger or a craving, I go for a bag of baby carrots. When it's not junk, it's amazing how quickly you might decide you're not hungry!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005, 3:33 PM

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[quote]When I can't decide if it's real hunger or a craving, I go for a bag of baby carrots. When it's not junk, it's amazing how quickly you might decide you're not hungry! [/quote]


And good for you for deciding you will be in control!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 1:17 PM

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