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Weird question

Ok, I dont mean to be too gross with this one. But I've always heard that corn is a bad vegetable choice because its a starch and all that. But how can it be aweful for your waistline when it goes right through ya?

Im not trying to be disgusting, but just trying to figure this all out. I LOVE fresh corn on the cob. Its gotta be better than Rice-A-Roni, right?

Tue. Jul 24, 11:12pm

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it has a high starch content...good question.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 1:28 AM

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the native people lived on it, ceremonied with it. it has to be good for you.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 1:29 AM

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You're making the incorrect assumption that carbohydrates = BAD. Corn is a high-fiber starchy vegetable that comes in a 100% unprocessed state. There is absolutely nothing bad about that. Same goes for fruit, which diets like Atkins essentially demonize and stick in the same category as a Snickers bar.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 7:30 AM

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it's the skin of the corn that passes through not the corn

Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 8:36 AM

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Corn is not 'bad', but just beware that it breaks down into sugar and the caloric content is pretty high. Don't eat 4 pieces of corn-on-the-cob and figure your body won't try to store that wonderful source of fuel for future use.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 9:52 AM

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Corn is not the best thing for you if you want to lose weight, but it is not bad for you. It's nutrutious value is not that high, maybe on the level of potatoes.
Eat it in moderation if you like it. Don't overindulge, though. I don't restrict anything from my diet, I think it's foolish to do that. I just count calories. Usually the more mutritious food wins when deliberating because I can eat more and remain in the calorie limit.
Oh, and corn passes right through? Hmm..maybe its just you, for me its just sits there with the rest of the food. Coffee passes right through me though.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 10:39 AM

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I think she means it passes with the rest of the food, not any quicker, but ummmm....rather whole and undigested looking compared to the rest of the food that departs your body.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 11:30 AM

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Corn is a great veggie to eat if you're craving sweets. It's much better than eating any processed sugar, even though it is high in natural sugar. It has lots of fiber to help offset the negatives. And, it helps you eat your colors - not too many yellow foods. Moderation is key. Try to keep it to one cob or 1/2 cup of kernals and really take time to enjoy the flavor and texture.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 4:21 PM

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i heard that even though corn is botanically a veggie, it's nutritional contents make your body process it like something in the grain / bread group - similar to a potato. i guess technically it is a grain (it grows like grass and wheat, right?). so there is nothing bad about corn, but just count it as a bread group and not a veggie.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 5:12 PM

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