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Spinoff poll...Heigh/weight/size and privacy
1. Would you have answered the first poll even if your name was associated with the answer?
2. Are you private about your weight or would you tell anyone who asked?
3. If you have a DH, FI or significant other, do they know how much you weigh?
For me:
1. I would have answered the question even if you would know my name
2. When I wasn't doing anything to change it, I wouldn't talk about it. Now that I'm working so hard I would tell anyone. Mostly because I weigh more than people would probably think.
3. I don't think he could state the exact weight but we have talked about it in general terms. It's not a secret but I don't think he really cares to know.
Fri. Dec 9, 12:55pm
1. Maybe. On this forum I feel comfortable discussing my weight, definitely not the case other places.
2. I don't tell my weight to people. I will tell them how much I want to lose/have lost, but the actual numbers are beside the point. People seriously underestimate how much I weigh. I've never had somebody guess within 30 lbs of my actual weight, even when asking them not to be kind.
3. No, he doesn't know, but I'd tell him if he asked. My weight issues have been lifelong and I really don't need somebody to nag me about it like my mom did.
Friday, December 9, 2005, 1:13 PM
I may have posted my weight if it was not anonymous, but I do not tell anyone outside of peertrainer how much I weigh or even how much I'm trying to lose, I just tell them I'm try to lose weight, even my husband doesn't know how much I weigh. When I'm at the gym and I have to enter my weight into the eliptical machine, I don't want the person next to me to see it. I guess I don't want anyone to think of me as 70 lbs overweight. I really don't want anyone to give it any thought. They probably do not and would not, but I'm very private about it anyway.
Friday, December 9, 2005, 1:31 PM
1. I would tell my weight no matter what.
2. If people ask, I'll tell them what I weigh. I don't think most people really care how much others weigh.
3. My husband doesn't know what I weigh. I tell him if I've lost weight. He knows I'm trying to lose.
Friday, December 9, 2005, 1:33 PM
1. Would not if my name was associated
2. I haven't ever told anyone the number, just what I've lost or what I want to lose, maybe
3. I dont' tell him how much I weigh. I talk to him about monitoring it and making changes.
Friday, December 9, 2005, 1:46 PM
gettin' honest
1. My weight stopped being a secret a while ago...
2. I shared it with others when asked until it started affecting my health.... at 210 I was still perfectly healthy (BP, LDL's HDL's, Triglycerides, etc.). Now, not so much....
3. My Sig Ot knows, but then he prefers larger women.
Friday, December 9, 2005, 2:08 PM
1. probably, especially if it was just my username
2. if someone asks me directly, I tell the truth. Otherwise, I don't talk about it.
3. yup - we're having a friendly competition since he has some weight to lose, too. Although I would guess that he might not know the exact number - we're focusing more on how much we've lost.
Friday, December 9, 2005, 2:15 PM
1. probably on this site, especially since I don't use my real name.
2. i'm mostly private about it; i don't normally talk about it and I can't recall anyone ever asking me.
3. i have started talking about my weight since i started peertrainer, so he knows now, but i don't think he cares.
Friday, December 9, 2005, 2:47 PM
1. I would even if it were not anonymous. I am comfortable on PeerTrainer, and there's an aspect of anonymity even if we share our first names (or fake names).
2. I have not felt comfortable telling people what I weigh in the past but I've been doing so over the past year. I think it's part of the healing process for me. I don't shout it from the rooftops, but I do share it with those closest to me.
3. My BF does know my weight. We've taken to weighing/measuring each other in the past few months. We haven't done it in a while, but because of that he does know my weight and my struggles.
Friday, December 9, 2005, 3:24 PM
1. Would have posted it.
2. I tell the truth.
3. My boyfriend knows my weight.
Friday, December 9, 2005, 3:27 PM
1) I'm not sure if I'd post if it wasn't anonymous. Everyone in my groups know, b/c I post my weight every day, but, I don't have a ton to lose and I feel bad talking about my relatively low weight with people who need to lose to get healthy or have struggled far more than I have for a lifetime...
2) However, people who know me in real life, I have no problem telling. I probably look like I weigh less than I actually do, though I still have a couple areas, namely my hips and thighs, where I'd like to have a little less of the jiggly stuff!
3) My fiance knows how much I weigh, but he says he doesn't want to know. I'm the smallest of the girls that he's dated, and a couple had obsessive weight issues, so he just knows better than to want to get involved! He doesn't like telling me what he weighs, though, b/c he's too skinny and I want him to outweigh me by more than he does! He thinks it would upset me more if I gained a pound and he lost one, than if I just gained one! He's wrong, but, I think he's also a little ashamed to not be able to break 140lbs, at 5'8" and 23 years old!!
Friday, December 9, 2005, 3:32 PM
1.) I would have posted w/ my name
2.) I'm usually open depending on who's asking. I usually give a range.
3.) My boyfriend knows and actually keeps me in check. For example - I was sick for a week and lost about 5 pounds without much effort. I slowly started to fall off the wagon when I was feeling better and he reminded me I was given a "freebie" w/ those 5 pounds and have to keep working to get the rest of it off. He likes me the way I am, but knows I need the encouragement because it's what I want to do.
Friday, December 9, 2005, 4:24 PM
yes I would have
I normally don't tell the general public my weight, they always think I weigh less why burst their bubble,lol. I do tell them what I've lost so far though, I am proud of that
and yes my FI knows my weight and my measurments... he's proud of me but doesn't want me to lose boobs and toooo much butt :-)
Friday, December 9, 2005, 8:33 PM
honesty is totally the best policy
i would definately have posted my name (carrieanne, by the way).
i tell most people that i'm trying to lose, esp if they ask.
and, since i don't have a significant other, he doesn't know. if i had one, he'd know. i just told my neighbor the other day that i weigh 150. he giggled and said, you're totally hot!
Friday, December 9, 2005, 10:39 PM
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