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holiday party :(

so I've been trying to prepare for the holidays by dieting more strictly during the week to make up for the weekend holiday partys etc... but this week I totally blew it...ate lots all week. Now I have a party to go to every night this weekend, fri, sat and sun....Its impossible to avoid a few glasses of wine among friends. what should I do? I feel like I'm just being swept into the holiday over eating pattern.

Fri. Dec 9, 1:11am

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Try to plan a glass of wine and a few snacks into your day's diet. Since you know your going to the party try to eat fewer calories early in the day, and eat a healthy snack or dinner before you go so that you aren't hungry when you get there. 1 glass of wine or 1 cookie isn't going to throw you off, just plan for a little indulgence, and don't go over indulge once you get there.
(I know, easier said than done. I mess up at parties too, but those are things that have helped me do a bit better.)

Friday, December 9, 2005, 1:19 AM

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Don't let it throw you off

Keep a good attitude, work in a little more exercise, and be ready to get back to your regular eating schedule once these parties are done. Don't let it throw off the patterns you've established or the progress you've made. Get up a little earlier and do a little more cardio or something. You can minimize the snacking and increase the workouts, and still feel great about yourself and your social time.

Friday, December 9, 2005, 8:36 AM

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Just don't plant yourself next to a bowl of food. Limit your wine intake to 1 or 2 glasses. Never eat food out of a bowl, only off of your own plate and after you've walked away from the serving plate. That way, you'll control your portions and won't just stand next to a bowl of candy and end up eating it all!

Map out the food situation before you decide to eat anything, then decide what's really worth it. Otherwise, you may eat some of whatever you see first, but then realize that your favorite dish is there too and need to eat some of that. If you scope it all first, you can skip the extras that aren't your favorites, and just eat what's really important to you. Or what's healthiest. Or however you want to map it out.

And make sure to work out every day before the parties! it'll help you stay motivated to skip that second piece of cake or glass of eggnog!

Friday, December 9, 2005, 10:49 AM

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You can have a day off

I think it's okay to have special days where you break your diet. If it's too strict, you can feel deprived, with the result that one day you'll just think, I'm tired of this.

So eat/drink and be merry, just do it in moderation. The tips above were great for doing that.

Also, eating something healthy before you go will curb your appetite.

Friday, December 9, 2005, 11:47 AM

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Try to drink some water before you arrive at the parties. What I did the other night was drink a little water, then sips of wine, then sips of water, and so on so I could limit myself to 1 glass of wine. Many times I feel like I just want to nurse a glass of wine to feel like I'm participating in the festivities, but I don't really care about drinking that much.

Friday, December 9, 2005, 1:43 PM

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Don't forget!

Eat before you go! Fill up on a big salad and maybe an apple before you get there. If I'm hungry and then have a couple of glasses of wine, it's all over I'm going headfirst into the buffet table. Also remember, a lot of holiday party food really is not very good and so not worth the calories. So choose wisely.

You CAN do this.

Friday, December 9, 2005, 1:50 PM

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Eat before you go. My party is today at 1. I had a quick bite at 11. Now I will not go down and eat like crazy.

Friday, December 9, 2005, 1:54 PM

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stay away from the food at parties

If you keep a glass of water in your hand and just keep talking and gesturing with the other you won't be bored and pick up snacks with the other hand and absent mindedly pop them in your mouth. The party is for meeting people not for eating.

Friday, December 9, 2005, 8:29 PM

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