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Is there anyone out there who is in love with their new way of eating? (diet) Anyone who doesn't seem to suffer negative effects (hunger, illness)? Or who don't feel deprived at all- ever? Who can eat the piece of cheesecake when they want, stop at the one piece, not feel guilty, and not worry about cutting back on calories later? (Or having to count calories at all?)

I know we might like the effects of our diet, or perhaps, like the results that we see, but is there anyone out there who really really LOVES their actual wieghtloss plan? (do you love the means and not just the end?)

Fri. Dec 9, 12:59am

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I love my weightloss plan. Veganism to the max =)

Friday, December 9, 2005, 2:29 AM

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I like it, not absolutely love it though.
It keeps me healthy and active.
I love my meal yesterday but I hate it when I have to eat right every day! LOL

Friday, December 9, 2005, 2:36 AM

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This is a great question. I think I can honestly say that even if what I ate had no effect whatsoever on my weight, I would want to keep eating the way I am now -- 4 to 5 small meals a day, waiting 3 hours in between (usually). I feel better, sleep better, and enjoy my food more than when I was compulsively eating anything, anytime. It's a joy to sit down to a small, healthy meal feeling a little hungry; it makes it taste so good! Much better than being stuffed and logy all the time. What I'm doing now is what I hope to be doing for the rest of my life. (And yes, it's nice that the weight is coming off, too!)


Friday, December 9, 2005, 7:04 AM

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I love eating healthfully! I don't consider what I do to be dieting. I try to go for organic foods more than focusing on the low-fat or low-carb versions of everything. Once I get into the pattern of working out and eating well, I love that I actually feel hungry instead of just feeling like it's probably time to eat again. And food tastes so much better when you're actually hungry... especially when it's good food. Shopping at the local health food store helps a lot.

I also get more in tune with knowing when I'm full. When I don't work out, I don't really notice that satiety point, but when I'm working out, I really can tell when I feel full enough, when eating more will make me feel too full.

I've found some staples that are really tasty and good, and there's lots of ways you can do them! Lentils, beans, and soy products like these yummy soy nuggets I get at a health food store are great. I love whole wheat pasta and couscous. And I eat plenty of vegetables, especially spinach, carrots, tomatoes, apples, etc.

I also agree that eating healthy snacks throughout the day is great. I usually bring carrots to work, along with an apple and a tupperware with some reduced fat wheat thins. I drink lots of water all day, which helps a lot too.

I love desserts, but find that when I'm eating well and working out regularly, I crave them less. I have tried to avoid transfats/ partially hydrogenated oils, which helps cut out a lot of temptations... Sharing cake with someone else is fun, and cutting a small piece is a good way to go too.

Good luck!

Friday, December 9, 2005, 8:43 AM

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I love eating healthily when someone else is paying!! I've learned to truly love salads, roasted chicken, etc., but, it's hard to keep veggies fresh in the fridge at home, and in restaurants, a $6 burger is always going to sound better than a $12 salad b/c I'm 23, and, well, not poor, but money's a little tight!!

Friday, December 9, 2005, 10:46 AM

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I guess I'm not *in love* with healthy eating as much as I feel good about myself for it. I think that passionate attachment to food is what has brought me so many problems in the past. I'm trying to see food as food/fuel rather than see it as comfort/reward/punishment. I feel that as I get older and develop a more moderate lifestyle in general, my health and well-being have improved. I don't have the same high highs, but my lows are not nearly as low either. I'm not sure if I'm getting old and boring, but I feel a better sense of wellness. It's not a sexy answer, but I think it's realistic.

Friday, December 9, 2005, 2:51 PM

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I love my new way of eating. I don't look at it as a diet but a lifestyle change. This past summer I told my mom how I felt I was rediscovering food with all the fresh fruit and veggies available. I'm not a picky eater so I try all kinds of foods. When I realized that a piece of cheesecake may taste good but doesn't make me feel good it was a lightbulb moment. You have to listen to your body.

Friday, December 9, 2005, 7:24 PM

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I have just started a new way of eating focusing on boosting my immune system. Need this for the winter. Things I am adding- yogurt, ginseng, vitamin c, all kinds of tea, cutting way down on sugar, deep breathing, lots of fresh vegtables.

Saturday, December 10, 2005, 5:50 PM

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I am trying to focus on changing habits and learning new ones just one at a time. I'm trying to eat less white flour and sugar in general and I found this great bread I love that's made of all sprouted grains and seads, no flour at all. It's high in protein and fiber and low in sugars and carbs and I think I feel better when I start the day with it.

Sunday, December 11, 2005, 5:58 AM

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