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What exactly is cellulite?

Is it like little clumps of fat cells?

Thu. Dec 8, 3:16pm

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A Myth

You will hear many definitions/explanations of what it is and how to get rid of it, however it's basically what some people call "cottage-cheese" or "orange-peel" looking fat which appears to be close too the skin surface. Fat is still fat, and it may be deposited a bit differently, but there is NO magic pill, potion or exercise which will magically make it disappear. The same hard work which burns "regular" fat will also decrease the "cellulite" Bottom line..."fuggidabout it!"
Good question and good luck! Debs

Thursday, December 8, 2005, 6:56 PM

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A Myth

You will hear many definitions/explanations of what it is and how to get rid of it, however it's basically what some people call "cottage-cheese" or "orange-peel" looking fat which appears to be close too the skin surface. Fat is still fat, and it may be deposited a bit differently, but there is NO magic pill, potion or exercise which will magically make it disappear. The same hard work which burns "regular" fat will also decrease the "cellulite" Bottom line..."fuggidabout it!"
Good question and good luck! Debs

Thursday, December 8, 2005, 6:56 PM

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A Myth

You will hear many definitions/explanations of what it is and how to get rid of it, however it's basically what some people call "cottage-cheese" or "orange-peel" looking fat which appears to be close too the skin surface. Fat is still fat, and it may be deposited a bit differently, but there is NO magic pill, potion or exercise which will magically make it disappear. The same hard work which burns "regular" fat will also decrease the "cellulite" Bottom line..."fuggidabout it!"
Good question and good luck! Debs

Thursday, December 8, 2005, 6:56 PM

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The above post is a pretty good explanation. It is still fat. The spa treatments and those creams Do not work. Drinking a lot of water and eating water rich foods will serve to flush toxins out of the system, which will help minimize the appearance. Strength training also helps. It is hereditary but that's not a good excuse to give up! You can really improve it.

Thursday, December 8, 2005, 9:26 PM

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The above post is a pretty good explanation. It is still fat. The spa treatments and those creams Do not work. Drinking a lot of water and eating water rich foods will serve to flush toxins out of the system, which will help minimize the appearance. Strength training also helps. It is hereditary but that's not a good excuse to give up! You can really improve it.

Thursday, December 8, 2005, 9:26 PM

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The above post is a pretty good explanation. It is still fat. The spa treatments and those creams Do not work. Drinking a lot of water and eating water rich foods will serve to flush toxins out of the system, which will help minimize the appearance. Strength training also helps. It is hereditary but that's not a good excuse to give up! You can really improve it.

Thursday, December 8, 2005, 9:26 PM

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Cellulite anatomy

I googled cellulite to see a picture. Check out the link below to see a good explanation of the anatomy.

The chambers of the superficial subcutaneous fat layer have walls made of connective tissue that runs between the skin and the lower layers. When there is fat in the chambers, it may cause the connective tissue to stretch which may pull the skin in some places and not in others. Therefore the dimply nature of the skin in some places of the body. Skinny women can have cellulite - it's extent is dependent on hormones and your genetic disposition.


Thursday, December 8, 2005, 10:11 PM

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Cellulite anatomy

I googled cellulite to see a picture. Check out the link below to see a good explanation of the anatomy.

The chambers of the superficial subcutaneous fat layer have walls made of connective tissue that runs between the skin and the lower layers. When there is fat in the chambers, it may cause the connective tissue to stretch which may pull the skin in some places and not in others. Therefore the dimply nature of the skin in some places of the body. Skinny women can have cellulite - it's extent is dependent on hormones and your genetic disposition.


Thursday, December 8, 2005, 10:11 PM

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Cellulite anatomy

I googled cellulite to see a picture. Check out the link below to see a good explanation of the anatomy.

The chambers of the superficial subcutaneous fat layer have walls made of connective tissue that runs between the skin and the lower layers. When there is fat in the chambers, it may cause the connective tissue to stretch which may pull the skin in some places and not in others. Therefore the dimply nature of the skin in some places of the body. Skinny women can have cellulite - it's extent is dependent on hormones and your genetic disposition.


Thursday, December 8, 2005, 10:11 PM

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Thank you! I knew what it looked like but I didnt know if it was some type of "special" fat! I'm kind of a blonde so questions like this are from me! Thanks again.

Friday, December 9, 2005, 12:01 AM

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Thank you! I knew what it looked like but I didnt know if it was some type of "special" fat! I'm kind of a blonde so questions like this are from me! Thanks again.

Friday, December 9, 2005, 12:01 AM

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Thank you! I knew what it looked like but I didnt know if it was some type of "special" fat! I'm kind of a blonde so questions like this are from me! Thanks again.

Friday, December 9, 2005, 12:01 AM

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