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Losing my motivation HELP!

I've been at this for four months now (two months in earnest) and the scale hasn't budged! I'm losing my motivation quickly, I need some inspiration or some ideas on what to do.

Tue. Dec 6, 5:43pm

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I started PEERtrainer in May, and lost my first pound in September... Similar to you! Now I'm down about 7, and totally happy!! Sometimes it just takes awhile...

Are you eating a good balance of protein, fats, and healthy carbs? Or do you snack on things like pretzels and baked lay's, b/c they're "healthy"? They're not. They're empty calories that do nothing for your body. If you're not already, look at food as fuel, and only eat what's going to help your body run well, rather than what's "low fat," etc. If you're doing that, you will lose, eventually! Good luck!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 5:52 PM

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Sometimes it's really worth investing a bit of money in the pros. I keep thinking it's enough to work out for 45 minutes...but there's a right and wrong way to do that when your goal is to lose weight. A decent personal trainer can catch that in one session. Same with might eat XXXX calories a day, but if you made one or two different choices on how to spend those calories, the weight might come off faster (or in your case, just budge even a little bit). A nutritionist can work with you to find a solution you can live with, and they've got strategies for dealing with your situation. Me, I can't stand plateaus and end up blowing my whole effort in a storm of tears if it goes on for 3 weeks...I can't imagine how hard it must be when you're counting months.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 6:33 PM

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