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10pm and I'm starving - I must be eating the wrong foods

What will fill me up more?

Mon. Dec 5, 10:09pm

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Big leafy salad with some protein

Monday, December 5, 2005, 11:36 PM

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Big leafy salad with some protein

Monday, December 5, 2005, 11:36 PM

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Big leafy salad with some protein

Monday, December 5, 2005, 11:36 PM

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The prevailing diet advice seems to be don't eat anything after 6 or 7 pm, depending on when you are going to bed. That just doesn't work for me, like you I end up hungry at night, which I think is counter-productive to my goals. Perhaps you might try saving some of your food/ or calorie allowances, or whatever system you are using, for later in the evening. I'm a real believer in eating more small meals - I feel better and get less hungry. Good luck!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 7:38 AM

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The prevailing diet advice seems to be don't eat anything after 6 or 7 pm, depending on when you are going to bed. That just doesn't work for me, like you I end up hungry at night, which I think is counter-productive to my goals. Perhaps you might try saving some of your food/ or calorie allowances, or whatever system you are using, for later in the evening. I'm a real believer in eating more small meals - I feel better and get less hungry. Good luck!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 7:38 AM

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The prevailing diet advice seems to be don't eat anything after 6 or 7 pm, depending on when you are going to bed. That just doesn't work for me, like you I end up hungry at night, which I think is counter-productive to my goals. Perhaps you might try saving some of your food/ or calorie allowances, or whatever system you are using, for later in the evening. I'm a real believer in eating more small meals - I feel better and get less hungry. Good luck!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 7:38 AM

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I agree

I'd suggest saving some calories for the latter part of the day to have some lean protein. Some egg whites or one egg with low-fat cheese should be plenty to sate your hunger until the morning. It also depends on the time you go to bed. Unless you go to bed @ 10pm, it makes no sense to stop eating at 7pm.
Bon chance!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 8:37 AM

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I agree

I'd suggest saving some calories for the latter part of the day to have some lean protein. Some egg whites or one egg with low-fat cheese should be plenty to sate your hunger until the morning. It also depends on the time you go to bed. Unless you go to bed @ 10pm, it makes no sense to stop eating at 7pm.
Bon chance!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 8:37 AM

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I agree

I'd suggest saving some calories for the latter part of the day to have some lean protein. Some egg whites or one egg with low-fat cheese should be plenty to sate your hunger until the morning. It also depends on the time you go to bed. Unless you go to bed @ 10pm, it makes no sense to stop eating at 7pm.
Bon chance!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 8:37 AM

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I have found that a cup of hot (herbal!) tea can hold me over until bed...I add a little milk and I stop feeling hungry. I also fall asleep really fast.

What are you eating for dinner? Are you eating too early? Not enough protein? It seems to me that getting in the habit of eating a regular late-night snack is not a good plan. So maybe by shifting other things around, you could avoid feeling hungry.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 4:35 PM

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I have found that a cup of hot (herbal!) tea can hold me over until bed...I add a little milk and I stop feeling hungry. I also fall asleep really fast.

What are you eating for dinner? Are you eating too early? Not enough protein? It seems to me that getting in the habit of eating a regular late-night snack is not a good plan. So maybe by shifting other things around, you could avoid feeling hungry.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 4:35 PM

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I have found that a cup of hot (herbal!) tea can hold me over until bed...I add a little milk and I stop feeling hungry. I also fall asleep really fast.

What are you eating for dinner? Are you eating too early? Not enough protein? It seems to me that getting in the habit of eating a regular late-night snack is not a good plan. So maybe by shifting other things around, you could avoid feeling hungry.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 4:35 PM

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I find half a cup of yogurt or a banana just before bed helps me sleep.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 4:47 PM

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I find half a cup of yogurt or a banana just before bed helps me sleep.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 4:47 PM

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I find half a cup of yogurt or a banana just before bed helps me sleep.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 4:47 PM

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Whoever created the no eating after 8pm rule never went to the gym every single day after work until 8pm! It's still all about calories in vs. calories out.

If you have room for some evening calories then why not have something light. Most important to make sure it's not a lot, you don't want to disturb your sleep. SF/FF hot cocoa mix with FF milk? Cottage cheese is a good source of protein and a bit of fat, a boca burger with Laughing Cow cheese on a mini whole wheat pita (protein, fat and fiber), maybe some edamame (protein and fiber).

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 9:19 PM

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Whoever created the no eating after 8pm rule never went to the gym every single day after work until 8pm! It's still all about calories in vs. calories out.

If you have room for some evening calories then why not have something light. Most important to make sure it's not a lot, you don't want to disturb your sleep. SF/FF hot cocoa mix with FF milk? Cottage cheese is a good source of protein and a bit of fat, a boca burger with Laughing Cow cheese on a mini whole wheat pita (protein, fat and fiber), maybe some edamame (protein and fiber).

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 9:19 PM

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Whoever created the no eating after 8pm rule never went to the gym every single day after work until 8pm! It's still all about calories in vs. calories out.

If you have room for some evening calories then why not have something light. Most important to make sure it's not a lot, you don't want to disturb your sleep. SF/FF hot cocoa mix with FF milk? Cottage cheese is a good source of protein and a bit of fat, a boca burger with Laughing Cow cheese on a mini whole wheat pita (protein, fat and fiber), maybe some edamame (protein and fiber).

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 9:19 PM

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One more thing

If you're not eating enough fat on a regular basis (or taking an EFA even) you will be hungry all the time. Make sure you're getting some healthy fats in your diet.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 9:20 PM

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One more thing

If you're not eating enough fat on a regular basis (or taking an EFA even) you will be hungry all the time. Make sure you're getting some healthy fats in your diet.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 9:20 PM

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One more thing

If you're not eating enough fat on a regular basis (or taking an EFA even) you will be hungry all the time. Make sure you're getting some healthy fats in your diet.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 9:20 PM

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