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3 more weeks of egg nog
any suggestions of how I can make it through would be greatly appreciated.
Mon. Dec 5, 3:47pm
First, um, look at the nutritional info on the carton of egg nog! I suggest going nowhere w/o a bottle of water if you're always tempted to sip, or at least a bottle of diet Coke! Egg nog, while a yummy treat, is ridiculously high calorie, w/ no nutritional value! If you must indulge in holiday drinks, have one small cup of hot cider w/ a sprig of cinnamon.
Plan ahead. If you know that you have a big holiday party on Friday, and you're likely to overeat, plan for it and eat a few hundred less calories than usual for a few days leading up to the party, rather than trying to make up for it afterwards. Get in a few extra workouts too.
Wear something a little too tight to be comfortable to a party with lots of food. You won't feel like eating so much!
Bring a healthy side dish (or main dish) - you'll be a welcome guest, and you'll know what you're eating!
Treat yourself only when it's really important - don't let yourself mindlessly munch! Savor every bite you eat and enjoy it! Don't stand near the buffet and don't eat out of a candy dish. Put anything you're going to eat on a plate, and eat it off of the plate. It'll help you control portions. You can easily stand next to a bowl of chips or chex mix or M&Ms, etc., and eat hundreds and hundreds of calories w/o noticing, while if you'd just taken a small handful and put it on your plate and walked away with it, you wouldn't be set back by much.
Give yourself a treat - like an apple cinnamon facial, or a peppermint pedicure (just making these up, but they sound like they could be real!) to enjoy the holidays and flavors by ways that aren't food! Treat yourself to something fun/special every time you go to a party and only eat healthy food. It'll make you want to stay away from the eggnog!
Monday, December 5, 2005, 4:59 PM
Egg nog is a red light food for me so I've decided to only have it on the actual Holiday (like on Christmas Day, not the whole month of December).
Some possible alternatives: Silk Soy Egg Nog (much fewer calories and fat). Or, how about instead of bringing home a whole quart you go to a coffee shop and have them make you a small egg nog latte. It's still loads of calories but your portion is controlled.
Monday, December 5, 2005, 5:18 PM
My boss just came by and handed out "treat bags" to all of us, each with an ornament, a candy cane, and probably about 6 bite-sized candy bars. I ate one mini reese's peanut butter cup, hung the ornament in my cube, and then walked downstairs with the remainder of the bag and gave it away to a boy who I know would like the candy and the extra calories (just happened to be my fiance, but anyone would work). Then I took the stairs back up here. So, I had my treat - yum - and I'm just as satisfied as I would be if I had just eaten all six, plus the candy cane. And I got some extra exercise on the stairs (3 flights each way instead of the elevator). It's not so hard to be good over the holidays!! Of course I could've easily eaten all six within 5 minutes, or I could've tried to be really good and have one a day for awhile, but, on the other hand, I just saved myself a few hundred calories and I'm not going to miss them b/c they're not going to be here! Use small steps and take yourself away from temptation and you'll be fine!
Monday, December 5, 2005, 5:21 PM
I never could stand egg nog as a kid... so I suppose I am lucky. I shudder in revulsion when I hear the words, egg nog... sounds like that sound men make when they roll snot around the back of their throat...
Hey maybe let a carton of it go bad... and then take a good whiff of it... that should take care of your cravings for it...
Saturday, December 10, 2005, 10:11 AM
If you like to indulge in egg nog try to Silk Soy Nog, it is truly delightful and only 80 calories.
Saturday, December 10, 2005, 12:44 PM
This post I love :
"I never could stand egg nog as a kid... so I suppose I am lucky. I shudder in revulsion when I hear the words, egg nog... sounds like that sound men make when they roll snot around the back of their throat...
Hey maybe let a carton of it go bad... and then take a good whiff of it... that should take care of your cravings for it..."
Saturday, December 10, 2005, 12:45 PM
3 more weeks of eggnog
I just got a lot of good suggestions from the responses to your post. Thanks to all! I would add, that even though I looked for nonfat eggnog at the supermarket, I had to settle for "light" or "lowfat," and when I got it home and it said 4 g. fat AND it turned out that was for a 1/2 c. serving, I was very irritated, and there's no way I'll buy another container of that. I did spend 99 cents on a bunch of little candy canes, because I don't really gobble them up, and they are very festive and not very caloric--IF I can make that one bag last the whole December.
Saturday, December 10, 2005, 3:12 PM
egg nog
For what it's worth Celestial Seasonings has a egg nog herbal tea and it's quite good.
Saturday, December 10, 2005, 5:19 PM
yum! i love egg nog, too. I haven't bought it yet this year but I did have a small egg nog shake from jack in the box (don't recommend it) and egg nog coffee mate.
The celestial seaonings sugar plum spice tea is really good and may satify your urge. Check out the ingredients: hibiscus, roasted barley, roasted chicory, rosehips, chamomile, cinnamon, ginger, roasted carob and cardamom. Just smelling it makes me happy. :)
Saturday, December 10, 2005, 11:48 PM
I love egg nog too. But I never drink it full-strength, I always mix it with skim milk.
And BTW to the person who says it has no nutritional value -- it has all the nutritional value of eggs (if it is real egg nog), which includes a not-inconsiderable amount of protein. But it's true that with all the sugar and alcohol it sure isn't a weight-loss-compatible food!
Sunday, December 11, 2005, 5:49 PM
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