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Xanthan - the cheap & safe alternative to gastric bypass

Everyone knows the approach of trying to fill up the stomach with something that occupies space but doesn't have calories. "Xanthan gum" derived from sprouts is a powder that does this. Packed into gelatin capsules the stuff expands and sticks in the stomach, and helps me to deal especially with evening hunger.

This or glucomannan is sometimes included in pricey hyped up diet drugs - adding bs like aspirin, caffeine, etc.

I discovered the way to make this stuff work is to eat enough of it - close to 10 grams (15 capsules 00 size). This means buying a "jar" of the xanthan powder and a bag of capsules and packing them myself.

Mon. Dec 5, 7:22am

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sounds like an ad

Geez, I see how shlocky and commercial sounding that title is. Apologies. I'm not selling anything.

Monday, December 5, 2005, 11:51 AM

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Xantham gum is bad for your health. It enhances food toxicity. Personally, I read the labels of everything, and all vegetable gums are out.

Instead of consuming stuff to simply take up space in your stomach, why not eat more fibreful vegetable that take up space, and provide nutrients? You're going to starve your body of stuff it needs to work well, by replacing it with something that has no nutritional value.

Monday, December 5, 2005, 12:26 PM

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I second that comment. A little sauteed broccoli works really well. You have to eat a lot, but the side effect is that I tend to feel great the next day. It also does not tax your body to digest broccoli, so you end up well rested.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 11:41 AM

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