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Carrieanne: Info on Nutrition Analysis Software

Carrieanne, I looked on the Nutridata website for a way to contact the company and ask if DietBalancer software will run on a Macintosh computer. I couldn't find a way to reach them. My guess is that if your MAC can operate on Windows software, then DietBalancer would run on it OK. Otherwise, it won't.

I also did a quick web search for reviews on DietBalancer. Couldn't find anything that gave much info.

So while I personally like DietBalancer and will continue to use it, I may have to quit recommending it to people because the company provides so little info on their product.

I did find another software, however, that looks quite good. It is called FitDay and I have posted the URL below. Unfortunately for MAC users, the system requirements lists Windows as the required operating system. You might want to take a quick look at the site, however, to get an idea of what to look for in the MAC version.

FitDay can be purchased as a download for $29.95 right now, and may also be available as a CD. It looks so good, I'm giving some thought to getting a copy for myself.



Fri. Dec 2, 12:40pm

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FitDay also has a free version which I am currently using. I find it very helpful and it's not bad for a free program.

Friday, December 2, 2005, 12:42 PM

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thanks everyone

digby, thanks for all this. i looked into the nutridata site too and couldn't find anything on MAC compatibility.

and, when i first asked you for more info about it, i'd already done the google search and found nothing about them. so, i decided not to mess with their product.

BUT, i checked out DietBalancer and signed up for the free online account and i have to say looks awesome so far. if i can religiously log stuff there (as well as here) i'll be golden. and b/c it's all online it does much matter whether i am using a PC or a MAC, it just works. yippy.

thanks to both digby and the other poster for the tip.

Friday, December 2, 2005, 1:59 PM

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forgot to say

that last post was from me, carrieanne.

Friday, December 2, 2005, 2:00 PM

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How does one sign up for the FitDay free online account?

How does one go about signing up for the FitDay free account (or software)?

I looked at the site, and did not see any obvious way to do so.



Friday, December 2, 2005, 4:39 PM

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There's a link on the left hand side under the log in that says "sign me up"


Friday, December 2, 2005, 4:50 PM

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Thanks for the link; I was on wrong website!

Thanks for the link to the web version of FitDay. I was trying to find it from the site that sells the PC version.

Couldn't figure out why the sales site would be hosting a free competitior, but it was the best info I had at the time!


Friday, December 2, 2005, 6:18 PM

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Nice one

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Monday, March 9, 2020, 11:39 PM

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