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weaning from antidepressants

is it really necessary or can I stop taking meds cold turkey?

Thu. Jun 21, 9:22pm

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Depends on a lot of different components... such as what your dosage is how long you've been taking them, why you're taking them, and what you're taking. You should probably talk to your Doctor if you think you want to go off of them- they will tell you the best way to do so.

side note- if you need to go off them becuase you can't afford the prescription, talk to your dr- they may be able to help out like give you samples or get you set up with a program. Bottom line- talk to your doctor.

I'm on 10mg of celexa and have been for a few months now- I took it last year too, but stopped after 6 months becuase I was thinking about getting pregnant. Nothing happened at first, but about 7 months later I was hit with the WORSE depression ever... I went back on the meds and I'm better then ever. I share this with you just to let you know you may not notice any affects until much later. If you must "just quit" be aware of what your body is telling you and talk with your dr. about any changes you may experiance.

Thursday, June 21, 2007, 11:26 PM

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Depends on a lot of different components... such as what your dosage is how long you've been taking them, why you're taking them, and what you're taking. You should probably talk to your Doctor if you think you want to go off of them- they will tell you the best way to do so.

side note- if you need to go off them becuase you can't afford the prescription, talk to your dr- they may be able to help out like give you samples or get you set up with a program. Bottom line- talk to your doctor.

I'm on 10mg of celexa and have been for a few months now- I took it last year too, but stopped after 6 months becuase I was thinking about getting pregnant. Nothing happened at first, but about 7 months later I was hit with the WORSE depression ever... I went back on the meds and I'm better then ever. I share this with you just to let you know you may not notice any affects until much later. If you must "just quit" be aware of what your body is telling you and talk with your dr. about any changes you may experiance.

Thursday, June 21, 2007, 11:26 PM

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Depends on a lot of different components... such as what your dosage is how long you've been taking them, why you're taking them, and what you're taking. You should probably talk to your Doctor if you think you want to go off of them- they will tell you the best way to do so.

side note- if you need to go off them becuase you can't afford the prescription, talk to your dr- they may be able to help out like give you samples or get you set up with a program. Bottom line- talk to your doctor.

I'm on 10mg of celexa and have been for a few months now- I took it last year too, but stopped after 6 months becuase I was thinking about getting pregnant. Nothing happened at first, but about 7 months later I was hit with the WORSE depression ever... I went back on the meds and I'm better then ever. I share this with you just to let you know you may not notice any affects until much later. If you must "just quit" be aware of what your body is telling you and talk with your dr. about any changes you may experiance.

Thursday, June 21, 2007, 11:26 PM

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Before you do anything, talk to your doctor. Only you know how you are truly feeling, but your doctor knows your condition and the medication's side effects. If you feel you are ready to forgo your meds, tell your doctor. He/she may recommend taking a lower dosage for awhile. If he does, ask for samples if cost is a factor.

I was on Wellbutrin XL for about 2 years as I dealt with my terminally ill mother and 2 teenage sons. I was also peri-menopausal. I did go cold turkey. After several months I felt a little depression return, but I did not want to take the anti-depressant again. I chose instead to change my lifestyle. I started eating healthier, working out, and pacing myself. Now, I take time out for myself. I explained to my family that they could deal with mood swings, do without items so I could pay for the ant-depressant, or allow me my relaxation time. Everyone chose to allow me my space. We are all better for it.

I wish you well, my friend.

Thursday, June 21, 2007, 11:54 PM

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Before you do anything, talk to your doctor. Only you know how you are truly feeling, but your doctor knows your condition and the medication's side effects. If you feel you are ready to forgo your meds, tell your doctor. He/she may recommend taking a lower dosage for awhile. If he does, ask for samples if cost is a factor.

I was on Wellbutrin XL for about 2 years as I dealt with my terminally ill mother and 2 teenage sons. I was also peri-menopausal. I did go cold turkey. After several months I felt a little depression return, but I did not want to take the anti-depressant again. I chose instead to change my lifestyle. I started eating healthier, working out, and pacing myself. Now, I take time out for myself. I explained to my family that they could deal with mood swings, do without items so I could pay for the ant-depressant, or allow me my relaxation time. Everyone chose to allow me my space. We are all better for it.

I wish you well, my friend.

Thursday, June 21, 2007, 11:54 PM

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Before you do anything, talk to your doctor. Only you know how you are truly feeling, but your doctor knows your condition and the medication's side effects. If you feel you are ready to forgo your meds, tell your doctor. He/she may recommend taking a lower dosage for awhile. If he does, ask for samples if cost is a factor.

I was on Wellbutrin XL for about 2 years as I dealt with my terminally ill mother and 2 teenage sons. I was also peri-menopausal. I did go cold turkey. After several months I felt a little depression return, but I did not want to take the anti-depressant again. I chose instead to change my lifestyle. I started eating healthier, working out, and pacing myself. Now, I take time out for myself. I explained to my family that they could deal with mood swings, do without items so I could pay for the ant-depressant, or allow me my relaxation time. Everyone chose to allow me my space. We are all better for it.

I wish you well, my friend.

Thursday, June 21, 2007, 11:54 PM

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I came off 20mg prozac after two years the "bad" way - cold turkey. I had changed my life so much that I figured I didn't need them anymore. I was right, and I had no problems. That was 4 years ago. However, if I had known there was a right way to come off them, I'd have done it that way.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 12:19 AM

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I came off 20mg prozac after two years the "bad" way - cold turkey. I had changed my life so much that I figured I didn't need them anymore. I was right, and I had no problems. That was 4 years ago. However, if I had known there was a right way to come off them, I'd have done it that way.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 12:19 AM

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I came off 20mg prozac after two years the "bad" way - cold turkey. I had changed my life so much that I figured I didn't need them anymore. I was right, and I had no problems. That was 4 years ago. However, if I had known there was a right way to come off them, I'd have done it that way.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 12:19 AM

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i weaned off Efexor and still had awful side effects, i had what's called "brain buzz" and it's scary as hell! it's like little lightning shocks in your head every 30 seconds or so, it makes everything tingle even my lips and it lasted weeks. i'd wean as slow as possible to reduce the side effects. i missed a few days once and it gave me awful flu-like symptoms i had a fever and everything, i thought i had the flu til i got my scrip refilled and i was perfect the next day. i couldn't imagine if i felt so bad after two days of not taking it what going cold turkey would have been like.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 12:31 AM

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i weaned off Efexor and still had awful side effects, i had what's called "brain buzz" and it's scary as hell! it's like little lightning shocks in your head every 30 seconds or so, it makes everything tingle even my lips and it lasted weeks. i'd wean as slow as possible to reduce the side effects. i missed a few days once and it gave me awful flu-like symptoms i had a fever and everything, i thought i had the flu til i got my scrip refilled and i was perfect the next day. i couldn't imagine if i felt so bad after two days of not taking it what going cold turkey would have been like.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 12:31 AM

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i weaned off Efexor and still had awful side effects, i had what's called "brain buzz" and it's scary as hell! it's like little lightning shocks in your head every 30 seconds or so, it makes everything tingle even my lips and it lasted weeks. i'd wean as slow as possible to reduce the side effects. i missed a few days once and it gave me awful flu-like symptoms i had a fever and everything, i thought i had the flu til i got my scrip refilled and i was perfect the next day. i couldn't imagine if i felt so bad after two days of not taking it what going cold turkey would have been like.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 12:31 AM

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Definitely talk to your doc first! You will most likely be placed on a progressively lower dosage for another month so that the withdrawal is not severe.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 2:19 AM

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Definitely talk to your doc first! You will most likely be placed on a progressively lower dosage for another month so that the withdrawal is not severe.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 2:19 AM

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Definitely talk to your doc first! You will most likely be placed on a progressively lower dosage for another month so that the withdrawal is not severe.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 2:19 AM

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I work in mental health. Do not quit anything cold turkey. A lot of those antidepressants will give you really bad headaches. You will wish you hadn't. Get yourself weaned off them if you don't want to take them anymore. Good luck.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 11:42 AM

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I work in mental health. Do not quit anything cold turkey. A lot of those antidepressants will give you really bad headaches. You will wish you hadn't. Get yourself weaned off them if you don't want to take them anymore. Good luck.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 11:42 AM

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I work in mental health. Do not quit anything cold turkey. A lot of those antidepressants will give you really bad headaches. You will wish you hadn't. Get yourself weaned off them if you don't want to take them anymore. Good luck.

Friday, June 22, 2007, 11:42 AM

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