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I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem. I find that I can't eat breakfast early in the morning (until about 10:30) because I get really nautious and feel horible for about an hour when I do. Although from 7:30-10:30 my stomach growls and feels hungry. I know that to maximize your energy you are suppose to eat breakfast, I just feel so horible afterwards. Any suggestions? Is breakfast really that essential? If so is, it ok to wait a couple of hours after waking up?

As a side note when I've tried breakfast i've eaten yogurt, fruit, oatmeal, or dry cereal. Dry cereal works the best but I still don't feel well.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Wed. Nov 30, 3:53pm

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Try a liquid shake or fruit drink to hold you over til 1030am.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 4:42 PM

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I have always been a breakfast-eater, so am not sure if what I do will be applicable to your situation. At present, however, I try to get up around 4:00 AM and get in a workout. My whole routine before breakfast may be 2-1/2 - 3 hours, depending on the day (feed the cats, bathroom stop, long workout, shower).

When I finally do eat breakfast, I have a healthy appetite, and take in approximately half of my daily calories at breakfast (1100 out of approximately 2100 for the day).

If you would like any more details on my breakfast or diet in general, my log is at the link below.



Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 5:19 PM

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I can totally relate- I'm not a brekkie girl, and find it hard to add it in. And yup, I used to feel SICK after eating breakfast.

You can try the smoothie, but if I have a smoothie in the a.m. I sugar crash within two hours.

My advice- start slow, start small, and make sure you have some protein. Have a slice of deli meat on a craker with cheese. Have half a sandwich; a couple of meatballs, a hard boiled egg, or a cup of soup. Have a litle bit of leftovers from last nights dinner. Start small, and eventually, your body will get used to it. After a while you'll be able to stomach breakfast much easier, and can have "meal size" breakfasts. But definitely have some kind of protien for breakfast.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 5:33 PM

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I had that problem...

I just started with a Carnation Instant Breakfast shake with soy milk (kind of high in sugar, though) and then a small banana, or a handful of nuts. Now I eat some high fiber cereal or oatmeal.
Bon chance!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 5:43 PM

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I think everyones body responds well to different things. If you find that skipping breakfast makes you over eat later in the day then I would agree with the above posters to try to slowly adjust to it. But most of the time I think its good to wait to eat until you really want to eat. I can't eat breakfast either...atleast not when I'm up early, so instead I have a cup of green tea as I'm getting ready for work. I find that it gives me an energy boost til I'm ready for my mid morning snack( a protein bar) around 11.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 5:49 PM

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Makes me wonder if you have acid reflux but it isn't severe enough to cause heartburn inthe night? Excess stomach acid would explain your symptoms and why the things you can eat agree with you. If that is the case a milk-base shake would be a good idea because it would help neutralize the excess acid.

just a thought....

Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 5:51 PM

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Thanks for the suggestions. I think I'm going to try the suggestion to drink green tea and then have a later snack. I love green tea and maybe it will help settle my stomach. I've never had problems with heart burn or acid reflux but I have a doctors appointment next week and will talk with her about that. Thanks everyone.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 6:51 PM

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I had the same problem all through high school except if I ate anything I usually skipped nausous and went straight to throwing up. I found that I had to change the food often in order for my body to accept it.

I usually buy the assorted packs of cereal and that way I have serving sized variety.

Thursday, December 1, 2005, 12:19 AM

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Have you ever asked a doctor why you have problems with digestion in the morning? There may be something you can do to fix the problem.

Eating early is important for blood sugar issues, energy, and starting up your metabolism so that you can burn calories sooner.

Thursday, December 1, 2005, 12:51 AM

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Sometimes I wake up and want to eat breakfast; other days, I wake up and the thought of food makes me queasy. The queasy days are usually the ones where I didn't get enough water the day before or enough rest the night before. On those days, I make my breakfast as usual and just carry it with me until eating it sounds appealing. And I try to get some liquids in my system early, even if it's just water or *gasp* coffee!

My breakfast is often a Weight Watchers bagel (150 calories) with light Laughing Cow cheese spread on top (35 calories each, I use two), which is easy to take with me to work and eat at the computer.

Thursday, December 1, 2005, 9:31 AM

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I think your body feels yucky after eating breakfast simply because it's not used to having to digest something at that time. Like another poster stated, start small and go slow. Your body needs to basically be trained to digest something at that hour since it's been so long since it's had to. Once it gets back into the groove you should be will just take time.

Good luck!

Thursday, December 1, 2005, 9:54 AM

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