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Is the gym beneficial?
my boyfriend insists that if i go to the gym its not going to do anything for me. he thinks weight watchers would work so much better! but i already watch the calories i eat and i'm not that overweight so i don't want to go on weight watchers. so should i hit the gym? is it more motivating?
Mon. Jun 18, 3:42pm
the gym for me is a great place to get me time- I swim, go to the sauna, run, lift, lounge in the whirlpool and from time to time get a massage. I love it!!!
Monday, June 18, 2007, 3:46 PM
the gym for me is a great place to get me time- I swim, go to the sauna, run, lift, lounge in the whirlpool and from time to time get a massage. I love it!!!
Monday, June 18, 2007, 3:46 PM
the gym for me is a great place to get me time- I swim, go to the sauna, run, lift, lounge in the whirlpool and from time to time get a massage. I love it!!!
Monday, June 18, 2007, 3:46 PM
I don't understand your bf's logic. Are you already exercising - doing other things and he doesn't see the point?
Monday, June 18, 2007, 3:48 PM
I don't understand your bf's logic. Are you already exercising - doing other things and he doesn't see the point?
Monday, June 18, 2007, 3:48 PM
I don't understand your bf's logic. Are you already exercising - doing other things and he doesn't see the point?
Monday, June 18, 2007, 3:48 PM
It Can Be Addictive (In a positive way)
Yes, yes and yes !
I lost 35 lbs by going to the gym (and not even watching what i was eating), and I have been addicted for the last 5 years, I love it to the point that I drive 30 min to go to the one that I really like (variety in machines) compared to one 5 min away.
Monday, June 18, 2007, 3:49 PM
It Can Be Addictive (In a positive way)
Yes, yes and yes !
I lost 35 lbs by going to the gym (and not even watching what i was eating), and I have been addicted for the last 5 years, I love it to the point that I drive 30 min to go to the one that I really like (variety in machines) compared to one 5 min away.
Monday, June 18, 2007, 3:49 PM
It Can Be Addictive (In a positive way)
Yes, yes and yes !
I lost 35 lbs by going to the gym (and not even watching what i was eating), and I have been addicted for the last 5 years, I love it to the point that I drive 30 min to go to the one that I really like (variety in machines) compared to one 5 min away.
Monday, June 18, 2007, 3:49 PM
Working out is beneficial. Do you have to go to a gym to workout, no. But to be healthy, you need to eat well and be active. You can workout at home, outside, in classes, or at the gym.
Monday, June 18, 2007, 4:13 PM
Working out is beneficial. Do you have to go to a gym to workout, no. But to be healthy, you need to eat well and be active. You can workout at home, outside, in classes, or at the gym.
Monday, June 18, 2007, 4:13 PM
Working out is beneficial. Do you have to go to a gym to workout, no. But to be healthy, you need to eat well and be active. You can workout at home, outside, in classes, or at the gym.
Monday, June 18, 2007, 4:13 PM
I <3 my gym!
I lost 30 pounds by counting calories and being very strict with myself re: sugar, carbs, processed foods etc... However it got kinda tiring - never having dessert, always turning down the glass of wine, no pasta, and you get the point. Ah well - it worked and the weight came off. But I always had to be pretty vigilant.
Then I injured myself and as part of physical therapy and getting back on my feet (literally) I had to walk several miles a day. Since it was important that I strengthen my muscles and build up my activity level, and since it was winter - I joined a gym. Changed. My. Life.
At first I just shyly edged in, grabbed the closest treadmill, walked and left as quickly as possible. As I built my body back up to pre-injury levels I began to appreciate having the other machines available. I started using more of them and working a little harder every few days. I felt calm and relaxed after I worked out. I had more energy at the end of the day. In 3 months I was exercising at a level that was better than I was able to acheive before I was injured. I worked on form and incorporated my PT exercises into my cardio. My stmoach got flatter, and my abs gained definition. My thighs and behind firmed up and my clothes started to fit differently. My skin started looking better and the girls at the cosmetics counter starting giving me compliments and asking how I got that glowing complextion. My posture has improved due to the pilates class I incorporated and I've had 3 perfect strangers to date tell me they thought I was a dancer or had received training of that sort because of the way I move and hold myself.
I took the weight off with diet, but I changed my body and my life at the gym. And although I still watch what I eat - I don't have to be quite so vigilant to stay at my 'happy' weight. What makes this ironic though is that when I go to the gym, I want to eat well, so eating healthy no longer feels like something I have to do to acheive a goal - it's something I WANT to do for my body. This has made maintenance soooo much easier.
I know different things work for different folks but I cannot imagine that I would have sustained my weight loss over the past year without the gym - i think at least some of the weight would have crept back on.
Monday, June 18, 2007, 4:18 PM
I <3 my gym!
I lost 30 pounds by counting calories and being very strict with myself re: sugar, carbs, processed foods etc... However it got kinda tiring - never having dessert, always turning down the glass of wine, no pasta, and you get the point. Ah well - it worked and the weight came off. But I always had to be pretty vigilant.
Then I injured myself and as part of physical therapy and getting back on my feet (literally) I had to walk several miles a day. Since it was important that I strengthen my muscles and build up my activity level, and since it was winter - I joined a gym. Changed. My. Life.
At first I just shyly edged in, grabbed the closest treadmill, walked and left as quickly as possible. As I built my body back up to pre-injury levels I began to appreciate having the other machines available. I started using more of them and working a little harder every few days. I felt calm and relaxed after I worked out. I had more energy at the end of the day. In 3 months I was exercising at a level that was better than I was able to acheive before I was injured. I worked on form and incorporated my PT exercises into my cardio. My stmoach got flatter, and my abs gained definition. My thighs and behind firmed up and my clothes started to fit differently. My skin started looking better and the girls at the cosmetics counter starting giving me compliments and asking how I got that glowing complextion. My posture has improved due to the pilates class I incorporated and I've had 3 perfect strangers to date tell me they thought I was a dancer or had received training of that sort because of the way I move and hold myself.
I took the weight off with diet, but I changed my body and my life at the gym. And although I still watch what I eat - I don't have to be quite so vigilant to stay at my 'happy' weight. What makes this ironic though is that when I go to the gym, I want to eat well, so eating healthy no longer feels like something I have to do to acheive a goal - it's something I WANT to do for my body. This has made maintenance soooo much easier.
I know different things work for different folks but I cannot imagine that I would have sustained my weight loss over the past year without the gym - i think at least some of the weight would have crept back on.
Monday, June 18, 2007, 4:18 PM
I <3 my gym!
I lost 30 pounds by counting calories and being very strict with myself re: sugar, carbs, processed foods etc... However it got kinda tiring - never having dessert, always turning down the glass of wine, no pasta, and you get the point. Ah well - it worked and the weight came off. But I always had to be pretty vigilant.
Then I injured myself and as part of physical therapy and getting back on my feet (literally) I had to walk several miles a day. Since it was important that I strengthen my muscles and build up my activity level, and since it was winter - I joined a gym. Changed. My. Life.
At first I just shyly edged in, grabbed the closest treadmill, walked and left as quickly as possible. As I built my body back up to pre-injury levels I began to appreciate having the other machines available. I started using more of them and working a little harder every few days. I felt calm and relaxed after I worked out. I had more energy at the end of the day. In 3 months I was exercising at a level that was better than I was able to acheive before I was injured. I worked on form and incorporated my PT exercises into my cardio. My stmoach got flatter, and my abs gained definition. My thighs and behind firmed up and my clothes started to fit differently. My skin started looking better and the girls at the cosmetics counter starting giving me compliments and asking how I got that glowing complextion. My posture has improved due to the pilates class I incorporated and I've had 3 perfect strangers to date tell me they thought I was a dancer or had received training of that sort because of the way I move and hold myself.
I took the weight off with diet, but I changed my body and my life at the gym. And although I still watch what I eat - I don't have to be quite so vigilant to stay at my 'happy' weight. What makes this ironic though is that when I go to the gym, I want to eat well, so eating healthy no longer feels like something I have to do to acheive a goal - it's something I WANT to do for my body. This has made maintenance soooo much easier.
I know different things work for different folks but I cannot imagine that I would have sustained my weight loss over the past year without the gym - i think at least some of the weight would have crept back on.
Monday, June 18, 2007, 4:18 PM
Slender, but fat.
His viewpoint is just flat out short-sighted. It's one thing to be at your "ideal weight" on a chart, it's another thing entirely to be at a healthy body composition. Many normal weight people are unhealthfully fat, with low muscle mass, no tone, low bone density, low metabolism, poor cardiovascular health, high cholesterol, high blood pressure etc, etc, etc. Exercise can prevent all of those things from happening, or help you stay better in control of risk factors. He's probably concerned that you might get picked up on at the gym, or end up more fit than he is. See if he'd be up for going with you, or find a friend to tag along and encourage your fitter self to emerge!
Monday, June 18, 2007, 6:06 PM
Slender, but fat.
His viewpoint is just flat out short-sighted. It's one thing to be at your "ideal weight" on a chart, it's another thing entirely to be at a healthy body composition. Many normal weight people are unhealthfully fat, with low muscle mass, no tone, low bone density, low metabolism, poor cardiovascular health, high cholesterol, high blood pressure etc, etc, etc. Exercise can prevent all of those things from happening, or help you stay better in control of risk factors. He's probably concerned that you might get picked up on at the gym, or end up more fit than he is. See if he'd be up for going with you, or find a friend to tag along and encourage your fitter self to emerge!
Monday, June 18, 2007, 6:06 PM
Slender, but fat.
His viewpoint is just flat out short-sighted. It's one thing to be at your "ideal weight" on a chart, it's another thing entirely to be at a healthy body composition. Many normal weight people are unhealthfully fat, with low muscle mass, no tone, low bone density, low metabolism, poor cardiovascular health, high cholesterol, high blood pressure etc, etc, etc. Exercise can prevent all of those things from happening, or help you stay better in control of risk factors. He's probably concerned that you might get picked up on at the gym, or end up more fit than he is. See if he'd be up for going with you, or find a friend to tag along and encourage your fitter self to emerge!
Monday, June 18, 2007, 6:06 PM
Find a new BF. He sounds like a moron!
Monday, June 18, 2007, 6:08 PM
Find a new BF. He sounds like a moron!
Monday, June 18, 2007, 6:08 PM
Find a new BF. He sounds like a moron!
Monday, June 18, 2007, 6:08 PM
keep the boyfriend...
and remember the 80/20 rule - you control the weight 80% by eating and 20% by being active (which not always means daily sweating at a gym)
Monday, June 18, 2007, 6:52 PM
keep the boyfriend...
and remember the 80/20 rule - you control the weight 80% by eating and 20% by being active (which not always means daily sweating at a gym)
Monday, June 18, 2007, 6:52 PM
keep the boyfriend...
and remember the 80/20 rule - you control the weight 80% by eating and 20% by being active (which not always means daily sweating at a gym)
Monday, June 18, 2007, 6:52 PM
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