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best diets for teens?
my 13 yr old daughter weighed in at 191 at the doctors this morning & decided she's ready to diet... she had resisted any suggestions before and would get hostile and eat more if anyone mentioned her being heavy... are there any quality diet plans easy for a teen to follow?
Thu. Jun 14, 8:11pm
What about just following a healthy, balanced diet? She's still growing and needs all the nutrients. This should be a lifestyle change; not a diet.
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 8:35 PM
What about just following a healthy, balanced diet? She's still growing and needs all the nutrients. This should be a lifestyle change; not a diet.
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 8:35 PM
What about just following a healthy, balanced diet? She's still growing and needs all the nutrients. This should be a lifestyle change; not a diet.
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 8:35 PM
Maybe check out the Dr. Phil book written for teens? I can't remember the name of either book (both have the same title, just the one is geared toward teens.) And read it together so it's not all about her. Could others in the family stand to get in shape, eat better, exercise more, etc.?
I agree with pp - make it about a lifestyle change and encourage your daughter to find enjoyable ways to be active. Get active as a family. Take stock of what's in the house and optimize her chances of success by not having tempting, empty calories in the house. The more it's a family thing and not just a 'her' thing, it may be easier to 'sell' and for her to go along. Focus less on her weight and more on the health of the family. Help her figure out how to deal with situations away from home - going to the mall with friends and what to eat, babysitting, etc. HTH
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 8:56 PM
Maybe check out the Dr. Phil book written for teens? I can't remember the name of either book (both have the same title, just the one is geared toward teens.) And read it together so it's not all about her. Could others in the family stand to get in shape, eat better, exercise more, etc.?
I agree with pp - make it about a lifestyle change and encourage your daughter to find enjoyable ways to be active. Get active as a family. Take stock of what's in the house and optimize her chances of success by not having tempting, empty calories in the house. The more it's a family thing and not just a 'her' thing, it may be easier to 'sell' and for her to go along. Focus less on her weight and more on the health of the family. Help her figure out how to deal with situations away from home - going to the mall with friends and what to eat, babysitting, etc. HTH
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 8:56 PM
Maybe check out the Dr. Phil book written for teens? I can't remember the name of either book (both have the same title, just the one is geared toward teens.) And read it together so it's not all about her. Could others in the family stand to get in shape, eat better, exercise more, etc.?
I agree with pp - make it about a lifestyle change and encourage your daughter to find enjoyable ways to be active. Get active as a family. Take stock of what's in the house and optimize her chances of success by not having tempting, empty calories in the house. The more it's a family thing and not just a 'her' thing, it may be easier to 'sell' and for her to go along. Focus less on her weight and more on the health of the family. Help her figure out how to deal with situations away from home - going to the mall with friends and what to eat, babysitting, etc. HTH
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 8:56 PM
best diets for teens?
The rest of the family has been working on getting in better shape and staying fit... she has been willing to exercise some; but not to listen to any healthy eating guidance. Isn't a healthy, balanced diet exactly what a quality diet plan is supposed to teach?
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 9:10 PM
best diets for teens?
The rest of the family has been working on getting in better shape and staying fit... she has been willing to exercise some; but not to listen to any healthy eating guidance. Isn't a healthy, balanced diet exactly what a quality diet plan is supposed to teach?
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 9:10 PM
best diets for teens?
The rest of the family has been working on getting in better shape and staying fit... she has been willing to exercise some; but not to listen to any healthy eating guidance. Isn't a healthy, balanced diet exactly what a quality diet plan is supposed to teach?
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 9:10 PM
What guidance is she spurning? Does the rest of the family eat well (wholesome foods - vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, etc.) and she's just overdoing the portions? Does your house have a lot of foods that will ultimately work against her? (If so, I would get rid of them.)
For me 'diet' conjours up the idea of a beginning and end vs. adopting behaviors and eating/exercise habits that are for a lifetime. If you need the guidance of a plan and she's open to following one then go for it - I would just make it a family effort and not just something she's doing.
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 10:54 PM
What guidance is she spurning? Does the rest of the family eat well (wholesome foods - vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, etc.) and she's just overdoing the portions? Does your house have a lot of foods that will ultimately work against her? (If so, I would get rid of them.)
For me 'diet' conjours up the idea of a beginning and end vs. adopting behaviors and eating/exercise habits that are for a lifetime. If you need the guidance of a plan and she's open to following one then go for it - I would just make it a family effort and not just something she's doing.
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 10:54 PM
What guidance is she spurning? Does the rest of the family eat well (wholesome foods - vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, etc.) and she's just overdoing the portions? Does your house have a lot of foods that will ultimately work against her? (If so, I would get rid of them.)
For me 'diet' conjours up the idea of a beginning and end vs. adopting behaviors and eating/exercise habits that are for a lifetime. If you need the guidance of a plan and she's open to following one then go for it - I would just make it a family effort and not just something she's doing.
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 10:54 PM
I also have a 13 yr old
I think the best thing for a teen to lose weight is making it a family affair. Not having any junk in the house at all will help, she won't gain if it's not there to eat. Everyone has to make the effort, regardless of their size. Good for you food doesn't have to be gross to eat, use a variety of spices and veges. Excercise together. I think if she sees her parents as an example it will be easier for her to change. That's what happend with my daughter. She started out at 205, and it now down to 180 since NOvember. She watched her father change his whole eating pattern(he lost 100 lbs BTW), and excercise 6 days a week. It motivated her, and she excercises 5 days a week, and we eat 90% of the time healthy. I tend to break down occasionally and buy junk unfortunately,but I only buy one time portions if I have a craving, not a whole bag of cookies or whole thing of ice cream. That's not all the time though, she is strong enough to avoid it. She looks great and has more energy. We all made changes together, using lowfat milk, whole grain organic bread, more veges and fruit, better snacks. Ground turkey and chicken instead of hamburger, no pop at all, no added sugar to drinks (like tea).We're even eating brown rice, which coming from a white carb family, that is very big for us!
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 11:09 PM
I also have a 13 yr old
I think the best thing for a teen to lose weight is making it a family affair. Not having any junk in the house at all will help, she won't gain if it's not there to eat. Everyone has to make the effort, regardless of their size. Good for you food doesn't have to be gross to eat, use a variety of spices and veges. Excercise together. I think if she sees her parents as an example it will be easier for her to change. That's what happend with my daughter. She started out at 205, and it now down to 180 since NOvember. She watched her father change his whole eating pattern(he lost 100 lbs BTW), and excercise 6 days a week. It motivated her, and she excercises 5 days a week, and we eat 90% of the time healthy. I tend to break down occasionally and buy junk unfortunately,but I only buy one time portions if I have a craving, not a whole bag of cookies or whole thing of ice cream. That's not all the time though, she is strong enough to avoid it. She looks great and has more energy. We all made changes together, using lowfat milk, whole grain organic bread, more veges and fruit, better snacks. Ground turkey and chicken instead of hamburger, no pop at all, no added sugar to drinks (like tea).We're even eating brown rice, which coming from a white carb family, that is very big for us!
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 11:09 PM
I also have a 13 yr old
I think the best thing for a teen to lose weight is making it a family affair. Not having any junk in the house at all will help, she won't gain if it's not there to eat. Everyone has to make the effort, regardless of their size. Good for you food doesn't have to be gross to eat, use a variety of spices and veges. Excercise together. I think if she sees her parents as an example it will be easier for her to change. That's what happend with my daughter. She started out at 205, and it now down to 180 since NOvember. She watched her father change his whole eating pattern(he lost 100 lbs BTW), and excercise 6 days a week. It motivated her, and she excercises 5 days a week, and we eat 90% of the time healthy. I tend to break down occasionally and buy junk unfortunately,but I only buy one time portions if I have a craving, not a whole bag of cookies or whole thing of ice cream. That's not all the time though, she is strong enough to avoid it. She looks great and has more energy. We all made changes together, using lowfat milk, whole grain organic bread, more veges and fruit, better snacks. Ground turkey and chicken instead of hamburger, no pop at all, no added sugar to drinks (like tea).We're even eating brown rice, which coming from a white carb family, that is very big for us!
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 11:09 PM
My pre-teen daughter did very well on Weight Watchers
WW does not suggest dieting for children under 10 and they do add points for pre-teens and teens under the assumption that they are still growing and need more calories and nutriants than adults.
My daughter really like it because she was in control and could still eat seom of her favorite things as long as she planned for it and payed attention to portions. She also began to see the relationship between exercisi and food intake and learned that she could have more if she exercised more. She also started to read labels on food. When she realized how may calories were in her school-bought lunches, she stopped buying and started taking lunches to school. She hasn't bought a school lunch in 2 years.
Although she does not follow the plan today, she still pays attention to choices and understands the role of exercise. She is within a healthy weight range now. More importantly, she has changed her habits to be healthier.
Friday, June 15, 2007, 1:14 PM
My pre-teen daughter did very well on Weight Watchers
WW does not suggest dieting for children under 10 and they do add points for pre-teens and teens under the assumption that they are still growing and need more calories and nutriants than adults.
My daughter really like it because she was in control and could still eat seom of her favorite things as long as she planned for it and payed attention to portions. She also began to see the relationship between exercisi and food intake and learned that she could have more if she exercised more. She also started to read labels on food. When she realized how may calories were in her school-bought lunches, she stopped buying and started taking lunches to school. She hasn't bought a school lunch in 2 years.
Although she does not follow the plan today, she still pays attention to choices and understands the role of exercise. She is within a healthy weight range now. More importantly, she has changed her habits to be healthier.
Friday, June 15, 2007, 1:14 PM
My pre-teen daughter did very well on Weight Watchers
WW does not suggest dieting for children under 10 and they do add points for pre-teens and teens under the assumption that they are still growing and need more calories and nutriants than adults.
My daughter really like it because she was in control and could still eat seom of her favorite things as long as she planned for it and payed attention to portions. She also began to see the relationship between exercisi and food intake and learned that she could have more if she exercised more. She also started to read labels on food. When she realized how may calories were in her school-bought lunches, she stopped buying and started taking lunches to school. She hasn't bought a school lunch in 2 years.
Although she does not follow the plan today, she still pays attention to choices and understands the role of exercise. She is within a healthy weight range now. More importantly, she has changed her habits to be healthier.
Friday, June 15, 2007, 1:14 PM
Every diet plan is made by considering your own body structure , for you i would suggest that
1. Make A Diet Plan according to calorie intake and start following it
2. Regular Exercise
3. Drink lots of water
4.Diet should contain lots of fruits and green vegetables
5.Avoid alcohol,Diet soda,oily foods.
Friday, November 16, 2012, 4:24 AM
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