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What could be the common ingredient that gives me GAS!?!

I've been noshing on protein bars like Slim Fast and some from South Beach Diet, I usually have one before the gym and then later on in the day I develop explosive gas! It doesn't smell, but I'm extra gassy. I thought it could be soy, but I eat soy beans and tofu regularly. Anyone have a clue??????

Thu. Jun 14, 3:13pm

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I think it's the Slim Fast. I get the same way from it. I also eat the South Beach bars and never get gas.

Try taking Gas X before you eat them.....

Thursday, June 14, 2007, 4:36 PM

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I think it's the Slim Fast. I get the same way from it. I also eat the South Beach bars and never get gas.

Try taking Gas X before you eat them.....

Thursday, June 14, 2007, 4:36 PM

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I think it's the Slim Fast. I get the same way from it. I also eat the South Beach bars and never get gas.

Try taking Gas X before you eat them.....

Thursday, June 14, 2007, 4:36 PM

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I think both of those bars have sugar alcohols which can cause gas. Sugar alcohol is also known as malitol, and it has a couple other names as well that I can't think of. It is used to replace the sugar, which is why they have such low sugar content but taste so sweet.

Thursday, June 14, 2007, 4:49 PM

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I think both of those bars have sugar alcohols which can cause gas. Sugar alcohol is also known as malitol, and it has a couple other names as well that I can't think of. It is used to replace the sugar, which is why they have such low sugar content but taste so sweet.

Thursday, June 14, 2007, 4:49 PM

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I think both of those bars have sugar alcohols which can cause gas. Sugar alcohol is also known as malitol, and it has a couple other names as well that I can't think of. It is used to replace the sugar, which is why they have such low sugar content but taste so sweet.

Thursday, June 14, 2007, 4:49 PM

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i second the maltitol. it's awful... one piece is all it takes for me to puff up like a balloon and have bathroom issues! (olestra type side effects) beware "low carb" candy has the same ingredient. it's the same as the sugar free candy they can call it "low carb" because what carbs it has come directly out, so there's no time to be absorbed. i used to work for the leading company that makes a lot of money on sugar free and low carb candy, it's a shame they way they advertise and package stuff as treats when it makes people sick.

Thursday, June 14, 2007, 4:58 PM

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i second the maltitol. it's awful... one piece is all it takes for me to puff up like a balloon and have bathroom issues! (olestra type side effects) beware "low carb" candy has the same ingredient. it's the same as the sugar free candy they can call it "low carb" because what carbs it has come directly out, so there's no time to be absorbed. i used to work for the leading company that makes a lot of money on sugar free and low carb candy, it's a shame they way they advertise and package stuff as treats when it makes people sick.

Thursday, June 14, 2007, 4:58 PM

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i second the maltitol. it's awful... one piece is all it takes for me to puff up like a balloon and have bathroom issues! (olestra type side effects) beware "low carb" candy has the same ingredient. it's the same as the sugar free candy they can call it "low carb" because what carbs it has come directly out, so there's no time to be absorbed. i used to work for the leading company that makes a lot of money on sugar free and low carb candy, it's a shame they way they advertise and package stuff as treats when it makes people sick.

Thursday, June 14, 2007, 4:58 PM

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