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Bouncing back

I am new to this site and having trouble finding a group; thus I thought I'd send a community message seeking advice. I had a horrible cheese and wine overeating extravaganza last evening. What to do the next day after a night of food and drink excess? I tend to skip breakfast and eat a small lunch, and then, when dinnertime rolls around I am ravenous. AND, you guessed it, I'll overeat again, eating a ginormous amount and feeling guilty afterward. Eek. Help!

Tue. Nov 29, 6:34am

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Let it go

The worst thing you can do is crucify yourself all day over the night before. If you do, the cycle continues! So eat normally today, keeping in mind your health goals and eating plan. If we all truly only indulged one night every so often, we'd be fine. But we guilt ourselves over it and the stress and guilt causes us to overeat for days afterwards, especially at night. Did you have a great time? Focus on that, and praise yourself for being a socialite!
:) Sophie

Tuesday, November 29, 2005, 8:06 AM

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Eat breakfast!!! You see the cycle yourself, so break it!

Oh, and eat tons of fresh veggies and fruit - fresh, light food always makes me feel better after over-indulging, and the fiber will clean your system out.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005, 8:20 AM

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Eat when you're hungry, so you don't get to "ravenous." If you're not hungry at breakfast, just eat something small to kick-start your metabolism, like a piece of fruit or glass of milk. Eat a healthy lunch - make sure to get in some protein AND some fat, because that's what'll keep you full. If you're hungry at 3 or 4, and dinner isn't until 7, get some fruit or a few nuts or something else healthy, and eat it. It'll allow you to make far better choices come dinnertime! Don't wait until you're starving to eat!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005, 9:06 AM

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I'm with the other poster.....load up on the fruit and veggies today. Eat MORE than you usually do but only of good, healthy food. Tangerines, strawberries and apples are super sweet, low in calories, high in fiber. Have a HUGE salad with veggies only and no-fat dressing. Sweet potatoes and baked white potatoes can really fill you up without a lot of calories (I use a heart smart buttery spread or no-fat salad dressing on my baked potatoes). Roast up some carrots, green beans, turnips, onions, and mushrooms for dinner with a little olive oil and dry italian dressing. Saute a small fish fillet to go with those veggies and you're all set. about sugar-free jello, baked chips and lots of salsa, or no-salt pretzels for snacks?

I've been eating this way for the past 3 weeks and have lost almost 15 lbs so far. I don't hardly ever eat red meat and have only 1 serving of animal protein each day. I love tofu and beans and lentils so I'm good in the veg protein area.

I hope this helps! -Trish

Tuesday, November 29, 2005, 9:08 AM

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THANKS all. I drank lots of water and had a great workout, sweating out all the toxins! It's so hard being 22 and trying to not fall into the binge drinking/eating/general partying lifestyle...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005, 9:26 PM

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