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green tea

does it really help you lose weight? it has calories in it to doesn't it? all i drink is water and i still have a hard time trying not to go over 1300 calories!

Mon. Jun 11, 12:16pm

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I drink the Diet lipton green tea and white raspberry tea and it has 0 calories! I also look for the high fructose corn syrup. The regular has it and the diet doesn't. I didn't like the diet at first but now love it.

Monday, June 11, 2007, 12:43 PM

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I drink the Diet lipton green tea and white raspberry tea and it has 0 calories! I also look for the high fructose corn syrup. The regular has it and the diet doesn't. I didn't like the diet at first but now love it.

Monday, June 11, 2007, 12:43 PM

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I drink the Diet lipton green tea and white raspberry tea and it has 0 calories! I also look for the high fructose corn syrup. The regular has it and the diet doesn't. I didn't like the diet at first but now love it.

Monday, June 11, 2007, 12:43 PM

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I drink the Arizona Diet Blueberry Green Tea. It is yummy and only 5 cals a glass.

Monday, June 11, 2007, 12:45 PM

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I drink the Arizona Diet Blueberry Green Tea. It is yummy and only 5 cals a glass.

Monday, June 11, 2007, 12:45 PM

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I drink the Arizona Diet Blueberry Green Tea. It is yummy and only 5 cals a glass.

Monday, June 11, 2007, 12:45 PM

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Green Tea

If you are looking for a powerful green tea that taste good then try CHINA SLIM TEA it has no caffeine and will keep you regular…I purchase it from an oriental food store, the Tea is named China Slim Tea and comes in a green box with white lettering and says Dieter’s Delight and Extra Strength on it. Make sure you read all the information on the back and abide by the Directions… there is a reason it says not to steep it longer then 2 minutes… Sometimes I make a large pot of regular tea and add 1 bag of the green tea for a few minutes and chill for ice tea, it’s great for the summer season… good luck!

Monday, June 11, 2007, 2:57 PM

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Green Tea

If you are looking for a powerful green tea that taste good then try CHINA SLIM TEA it has no caffeine and will keep you regular…I purchase it from an oriental food store, the Tea is named China Slim Tea and comes in a green box with white lettering and says Dieter’s Delight and Extra Strength on it. Make sure you read all the information on the back and abide by the Directions… there is a reason it says not to steep it longer then 2 minutes… Sometimes I make a large pot of regular tea and add 1 bag of the green tea for a few minutes and chill for ice tea, it’s great for the summer season… good luck!

Monday, June 11, 2007, 2:57 PM

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Green Tea

If you are looking for a powerful green tea that taste good then try CHINA SLIM TEA it has no caffeine and will keep you regular…I purchase it from an oriental food store, the Tea is named China Slim Tea and comes in a green box with white lettering and says Dieter’s Delight and Extra Strength on it. Make sure you read all the information on the back and abide by the Directions… there is a reason it says not to steep it longer then 2 minutes… Sometimes I make a large pot of regular tea and add 1 bag of the green tea for a few minutes and chill for ice tea, it’s great for the summer season… good luck!

Monday, June 11, 2007, 2:57 PM

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Green tea

Other then green tea, if you are trying to spice up your water without adding sugar you might try True Lemon or True Lime, they are great, no calories, no carbs and no fake sugar subsitutes... I've found them in several grocery stores... they are not with the crystal light... I've seen them in the baking section or by the canned juice, you may have to ask a clerk but they arent that expensive and a nice change of pace that taste good...

Monday, June 11, 2007, 3:02 PM

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Green tea

Other then green tea, if you are trying to spice up your water without adding sugar you might try True Lemon or True Lime, they are great, no calories, no carbs and no fake sugar subsitutes... I've found them in several grocery stores... they are not with the crystal light... I've seen them in the baking section or by the canned juice, you may have to ask a clerk but they arent that expensive and a nice change of pace that taste good...

Monday, June 11, 2007, 3:02 PM

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Green tea

Other then green tea, if you are trying to spice up your water without adding sugar you might try True Lemon or True Lime, they are great, no calories, no carbs and no fake sugar subsitutes... I've found them in several grocery stores... they are not with the crystal light... I've seen them in the baking section or by the canned juice, you may have to ask a clerk but they arent that expensive and a nice change of pace that taste good...

Monday, June 11, 2007, 3:02 PM

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Just drink regular green tea. It won't kill you.

A lot of that "diet" and "flavored" green tea has a lot of added crap that isn't much better than a soda.

In "You On A Diet," the authors refer to a study where, on average, those who drank three cups of green tea a day for three months lost on average of eight pounds.

That's significant enough to warrant including it in your diet, IMHO, despite the anti-oxidant properties to it as well.

Monday, June 11, 2007, 5:12 PM

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Just drink regular green tea. It won't kill you.

A lot of that "diet" and "flavored" green tea has a lot of added crap that isn't much better than a soda.

In "You On A Diet," the authors refer to a study where, on average, those who drank three cups of green tea a day for three months lost on average of eight pounds.

That's significant enough to warrant including it in your diet, IMHO, despite the anti-oxidant properties to it as well.

Monday, June 11, 2007, 5:12 PM

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Just drink regular green tea. It won't kill you.

A lot of that "diet" and "flavored" green tea has a lot of added crap that isn't much better than a soda.

In "You On A Diet," the authors refer to a study where, on average, those who drank three cups of green tea a day for three months lost on average of eight pounds.

That's significant enough to warrant including it in your diet, IMHO, despite the anti-oxidant properties to it as well.

Monday, June 11, 2007, 5:12 PM

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