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Might be stupid but how do I peel ginger?

I see ginger in the store but I don't buy it because I have no idea how to prepare it. I want it for a soup recipe I got from my sister, but it doesn't tell you how to get from the strange shaped vegetable to the 2 T parts.

Mon. Nov 28, 11:49am

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Peeling Ginger

The direct approach works best for me: Break off one of the projections on the ginger root, and peel it with a sharp knife. Then mince the peeled ginger into a dish until you have the quantity you want.

You could also grate the ginger if you have a fine enough grater.

Hope this helps.


Monday, November 28, 2005, 12:27 PM

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carrot peelers work really well too.

Monday, November 28, 2005, 3:40 PM

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I dont peel it, I just use my micro plain and grade it that way. But when I do have to peel it I just use a spoon. This save alot of the ginger.

Monday, November 28, 2005, 6:21 PM

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We have two types of variety of ginger here, the young ones can be scrapped rather easily with a knife under running water, the old ones take a bit more time but the same method. This eliminates wastage of the actual ginger and only the skin is removed.


Monday, November 28, 2005, 7:32 PM

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Easy peel and freeze

I peel it quite easily with a good quality vegetable /"carrot" peeler. I wrap it and keep it in the freezer, You can then finely chop it, or use a ginger grater which is a small flat ceramic thing with ridges which almost makes a paste. My all time favorite and easiest way is to use a "microplane grater" which is an inexpensive and fabulous tool , especially for zesting citrus, grating ginger and garlic and whole spices such as nutmeg. Oh yes, great for a fine dusting of chocalate as well! In some recipes you can also just tosss in a chunk for flavor and then fish it out later, sort of like whole garlic cloves.


Monday, December 5, 2005, 11:27 AM

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Easy peel and freeze

I peel it quite easily with a good quality vegetable /"carrot" peeler. I wrap it and keep it in the freezer, You can then finely chop it, or use a ginger grater which is a small flat ceramic thing with ridges which almost makes a paste. My all time favorite and easiest way is to use a "microplane grater" which is an inexpensive and fabulous tool , especially for zesting citrus, grating ginger and garlic and whole spices such as nutmeg. Oh yes, great for a fine dusting of chocalate as well! In some recipes you can also just tosss in a chunk for flavor and then fish it out later, sort of like whole garlic cloves.


Monday, December 5, 2005, 11:27 AM

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sorry, a bit techno-challenged, didn't mean to do it twice!

Monday, December 5, 2005, 11:29 AM

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spoon works brilliantly. Gets you around all the knots without endangering fingers.

Monday, December 5, 2005, 3:08 PM

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