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anybody doing the points/ww system?

I am new to this and can't believe how easy it is - does this really work?

Sun. Nov 27, 2:21am

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I am, i just far it has worked. I am down 3.4 pounds.

Sunday, November 27, 2005, 7:54 AM

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I know a lot of people here are fans but I think it's next to impossible to maintain unless you know, nutritionally, how to eat. I prefer body for life.

Sunday, November 27, 2005, 8:33 AM

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I have been doing WW since the end of Aug and have lost 16 pounds. It is easy and it is designed to work. Its really focused on portion control and since you are doing points you have to account for everything. WW has been around and successful for a long time. To the 3rd poster - Anybody who stops accounting for food and portions will gain weight back. What I like about WW is once you get to your goal you become a lifetimer, no paying for meetings as long as you maintain your goal weight within a few pounds. So you always have the support. I think its 80% of people who stop the support of any system they are trying gain back some if not all their weight. I looked and saw that even the people who do Body for Life gain weight back if they stop working the system. Anyone can learn how to eat, we all know what we should be doing but maintaining the weight loss helps if you have that same support in place and are still writing things down. I think seeing what you are eating is a big step of keeping it up so you (at least myself) should always write it down. Especially if you overeat.

Sunday, November 27, 2005, 12:31 PM

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We have a group called Weight Watchers! for those of us who are following or have previously followed the plan and have found great success and support. We have one opening right now so feel free to come join us!

Sunday, November 27, 2005, 9:29 PM

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If you follow it, it works like a dream! IF YOU FOLLOW IT!
Check out this web page to find WW points for all your favourite restraunt foods (scroll way down to the alphabetical list). Some of the info is a bit shocking: 15 points for a Starbucks Frappiccino?!?! No wonder I'm chubby.


Monday, November 28, 2005, 10:55 AM

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WW--it works!

I'm a 5-year lifetime member of WW, so i can say yes, it works! And it can be maintained. But I still go to weigh-ins and meetings pretty much every week. It really is a lifetime commitment.

Monday, November 28, 2005, 2:35 PM

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