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Wher can I buy a prom gown in NYC

I need to buy a prom gown for my size 7 daughter in NYC under $100. Can you guys help? You always give me good advice. Sorry I am OT but I am desperate

Tue. Jun 5, 9:06pm

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I think Macey's right by Penn Station is good.

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 12:31 PM

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I think Macey's right by Penn Station is good.

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 12:31 PM

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I think Macey's right by Penn Station is good.

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 12:31 PM

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Have you considered a resale shop, or maybe seeing if any of the bridal salons have clearance dresses on their racks? Some resale shops specialize in gently used formal wear--and just because it's used, it does not mean it won't look nice.

If your daughter is into vintagewear, you might look at some of the vintage shops as well--they may have a beautifully made dress that will knock your socks off...

Ebay and Craig's list ( may also be a good idea, but make sure you get in touch with the seller first....

If you can sew, or if you have a friend that sews (or if your daughter sews) you might try making her prom gown-- That way, she'll get exactly what she wants, and you can control the cost more as well.

I can imagine the price of formal wear in NYC, but you really should not have to break the bank for a dress that might only be worn once.

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 12:49 PM

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Have you considered a resale shop, or maybe seeing if any of the bridal salons have clearance dresses on their racks? Some resale shops specialize in gently used formal wear--and just because it's used, it does not mean it won't look nice.

If your daughter is into vintagewear, you might look at some of the vintage shops as well--they may have a beautifully made dress that will knock your socks off...

Ebay and Craig's list ( may also be a good idea, but make sure you get in touch with the seller first....

If you can sew, or if you have a friend that sews (or if your daughter sews) you might try making her prom gown-- That way, she'll get exactly what she wants, and you can control the cost more as well.

I can imagine the price of formal wear in NYC, but you really should not have to break the bank for a dress that might only be worn once.

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 12:49 PM

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Have you considered a resale shop, or maybe seeing if any of the bridal salons have clearance dresses on their racks? Some resale shops specialize in gently used formal wear--and just because it's used, it does not mean it won't look nice.

If your daughter is into vintagewear, you might look at some of the vintage shops as well--they may have a beautifully made dress that will knock your socks off...

Ebay and Craig's list ( may also be a good idea, but make sure you get in touch with the seller first....

If you can sew, or if you have a friend that sews (or if your daughter sews) you might try making her prom gown-- That way, she'll get exactly what she wants, and you can control the cost more as well.

I can imagine the price of formal wear in NYC, but you really should not have to break the bank for a dress that might only be worn once.

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 12:49 PM

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I'd definitely check out I've gotten lots of great stuff from people on there (but in Chicago). Just be sure to meet somewhere public, but somewhere with a restroom or dressing room so your daughter can try on before you purchase.

Otherwise, H&M or Strawberry might have something cute and inexpensive. Or the Junior's department at Macy's; they often have good selections on the sale rack. I think that's where I got most of my dresses for school dances.

Does she have a lot of friends that are a similar size? Maybe they'd think it'd be fun to trade dresses from some other event?

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 5:38 PM

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I'd definitely check out I've gotten lots of great stuff from people on there (but in Chicago). Just be sure to meet somewhere public, but somewhere with a restroom or dressing room so your daughter can try on before you purchase.

Otherwise, H&M or Strawberry might have something cute and inexpensive. Or the Junior's department at Macy's; they often have good selections on the sale rack. I think that's where I got most of my dresses for school dances.

Does she have a lot of friends that are a similar size? Maybe they'd think it'd be fun to trade dresses from some other event?

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 5:38 PM

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I'd definitely check out I've gotten lots of great stuff from people on there (but in Chicago). Just be sure to meet somewhere public, but somewhere with a restroom or dressing room so your daughter can try on before you purchase.

Otherwise, H&M or Strawberry might have something cute and inexpensive. Or the Junior's department at Macy's; they often have good selections on the sale rack. I think that's where I got most of my dresses for school dances.

Does she have a lot of friends that are a similar size? Maybe they'd think it'd be fun to trade dresses from some other event?

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 5:38 PM

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That's funny, I thought of H & M, too! THey have some really reasonably priced outfits-- and maybe with a little creativity (some sequins or a nice pin or other accessories) you can even dress up a "little black dress". These days, the style for prom dresses has changed and a lot of variety has come into play. :-)

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 10:14 PM

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That's funny, I thought of H & M, too! THey have some really reasonably priced outfits-- and maybe with a little creativity (some sequins or a nice pin or other accessories) you can even dress up a "little black dress". These days, the style for prom dresses has changed and a lot of variety has come into play. :-)

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 10:14 PM

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That's funny, I thought of H & M, too! THey have some really reasonably priced outfits-- and maybe with a little creativity (some sequins or a nice pin or other accessories) you can even dress up a "little black dress". These days, the style for prom dresses has changed and a lot of variety has come into play. :-)

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 10:14 PM

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Just curious, did your daughter find a gown?

Sunday, June 10, 2007, 5:26 PM

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Just curious, did your daughter find a gown?

Sunday, June 10, 2007, 5:26 PM

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Just curious, did your daughter find a gown?

Sunday, June 10, 2007, 5:26 PM

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