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For those of you out there who are feeling the guilt...
I know I am, although my diet has been pretty successful I just went crazy for thanksgiving dinner, I ate so much that I was completely stuffed and still am 4 hours later.
I was hesitant to even log onto peertrainer because I felt so terrible, but then I realized hey I obsessed about the holiday coming, was worried I would over eat, it came, I did, and now its over! so I plan to pick myself up and dust myself off and not let it make a dent. How did you guys do?
Thu. Nov 24, 11:38pm
Bless your heart.
As far as over-eating is concerned guilt NEVER got me anywhere.
Forgive yourself and move on.
To me it is all about choice and commitment.
So in this case I would say to you - choose to forgive yourself.
And make better decisions that you COMMIT TO next time.
Friday, November 25, 2005, 2:55 AM
I committed to going crazy on turkey day. I have no regets. Back to the usual routine tomorrow =)
Friday, November 25, 2005, 3:08 AM
Don't fret too much, just pick up yourselves and start again. We're humans, falling is natural. Just so we learn from it ;)
Friday, November 25, 2005, 5:06 AM
First of all, continue the Thanks. Be appreciative that you had food on your table in abundance, family and friends to share it with. Be thankful that you woke up again this morning, alive and facing the day. We don't need just one day of the year to be thankful; I think every day should be full of Thanksgiving. We are so blessed to be here, let's continue the praise.
Now, about the food. Ask God or your Higher Power to help you get back on your structured food plan. Just because of the fact Don't think because you overate yesterday it does not mean that you are a bad, or fallen person. On the contrary, you have admitted eating too much by writing this question to me and our readers. You are indicating that you want to do something about it. That's wonderful, congratulations.
Just eat less today. It sounds like you had some of everything yesterday, but you don't need to do that today. Get right back into your healthy eating habit by choosing to eat only one thing per meal, or one serving of something. For example, at breakfast you could have a leftover roll with a slice of turkey. Or if you're still full, you might even skip breakfast entirely, or just have a glass of juice or piece of fruit.
At lunch, perhaps you could have salad. Mix some of the leftover vegetables together and add some nutritious red-leaf or mesclun lettuces and just a touch of dressing. Skip the breads and meats.
For dinner you might choose a modest repeat of the big meal. Have a small portion of turkey with only two vegetables and one leftover roll. Skip the gravy and stuffing, and spare yourself the dessert.
One last thing - be sure to get up and move your body. Get the crowd together for a brisk walk or hike. Play a game of catch or kickball. Or put on some lively music and dance together.
Yesterday's over-consumption is in the past, leave it there, and just be thankful again today and get right back with your happy life and healthy habits.
Friday, November 25, 2005, 7:07 AM
I'm so glad for my peers!
I felt guilty too, not because I ate too much, but because I saw a video of myself yesterday at a family b-day party and I was thinking, "Could that possibly be me?" I was actually shocked. So this morning I am determined to look better SOON, my first marker being Christmas, which is 4 weeks away. I will keep y'all posted. And thanks for being here. I don't feel so alone in my struggle!
Friday, November 25, 2005, 7:39 AM
my first marker is christmas as well. If I can loose 10 pounds by christmas I would feel so much better!
Friday, November 25, 2005, 8:45 AM
you cannot change the past, start fresh today!
Friday, November 25, 2005, 9:04 AM
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