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Indian Food Recipes

I just thought I would start a new thread on the recipes of Indian food as so many people in my groups love it!

I am just adding a link here. Will post more recipes soon.
Hope you find it useful

Pooja :)


Thu. Nov 24, 6:33am

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Pooja - Thanks so much for the link. I love eggplant and I am going to make this recipe tonight since I have so many in the frig (Aubergine Delight) I imagine I will be trying lots of different stuff from here.


Thursday, November 24, 2005, 1:23 PM

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Pooja - Thanks so much for the link. I love eggplant and I am going to make this recipe tonight since I have so many in the frig (Aubergine Delight) I imagine I will be trying lots of different stuff from here.


Thursday, November 24, 2005, 1:23 PM

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Pooja - Thanks so much for the link. I love eggplant and I am going to make this recipe tonight since I have so many in the frig (Aubergine Delight) I imagine I will be trying lots of different stuff from here.


Thursday, November 24, 2005, 1:23 PM

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Petha (Sweet Ashgourd)

Hi Jaimi,

Got this somewhere. I havent yet tried it.. I am warning you :)
You may want to try this in smaller proportion. Looks pretty simple! Thanks to you, I will definitely make it once at home!

1 kg of Ash Gourd/White Pumpkin
4 Green Cardamoms (peeled & crushed)
2 tsp. of Chemical Lime
3 cups (3/4 kg) of Sugar
1 tbsp. of Lemon Juice
1 tsp. of Rose Water
3 cups of Water

1) Peel the pumpkin and remove the seeds and the soft portion (fibres). Cut it into large, thick slices. Prick well with a fork, all over.

2) Dissolve 1 tsp. of lemon juice in water to cover the pumpkin and soak it for 2 hours. Remove the pieces from the water, discard the water and wash the pieces well. Cut pieces into cubes and soak once again in alot of lime for another 2 hours.

3) Drain the pieces and wash thoroughly, squeezing out the water and rinsing it again so that no trace of the lime remains. Boil the water and cook the ashgourd until it is well cooked through and transparent.

4) In the meantime, make a syrup out of the sugar, water, lemon juice and cardamoms until one thread consistency.

5) Keep the syrup warm and when the ashgourd pieces are cooked through, lift them out with a slotted spoon and transfer them into the syrup. Simmer for a couple of minutes, shut off the heat and add the rose water and mix well.

6) Drain the extra water. LEt it dry up a bit and store in an air tight container.

Friday, November 25, 2005, 7:30 AM

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Petha (Sweet Ashgourd)

Hi Jaimi,

Got this somewhere. I havent yet tried it.. I am warning you :)
You may want to try this in smaller proportion. Looks pretty simple! Thanks to you, I will definitely make it once at home!

1 kg of Ash Gourd/White Pumpkin
4 Green Cardamoms (peeled & crushed)
2 tsp. of Chemical Lime
3 cups (3/4 kg) of Sugar
1 tbsp. of Lemon Juice
1 tsp. of Rose Water
3 cups of Water

1) Peel the pumpkin and remove the seeds and the soft portion (fibres). Cut it into large, thick slices. Prick well with a fork, all over.

2) Dissolve 1 tsp. of lemon juice in water to cover the pumpkin and soak it for 2 hours. Remove the pieces from the water, discard the water and wash the pieces well. Cut pieces into cubes and soak once again in alot of lime for another 2 hours.

3) Drain the pieces and wash thoroughly, squeezing out the water and rinsing it again so that no trace of the lime remains. Boil the water and cook the ashgourd until it is well cooked through and transparent.

4) In the meantime, make a syrup out of the sugar, water, lemon juice and cardamoms until one thread consistency.

5) Keep the syrup warm and when the ashgourd pieces are cooked through, lift them out with a slotted spoon and transfer them into the syrup. Simmer for a couple of minutes, shut off the heat and add the rose water and mix well.

6) Drain the extra water. LEt it dry up a bit and store in an air tight container.

Friday, November 25, 2005, 7:30 AM

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Petha (Sweet Ashgourd)

Hi Jaimi,

Got this somewhere. I havent yet tried it.. I am warning you :)
You may want to try this in smaller proportion. Looks pretty simple! Thanks to you, I will definitely make it once at home!

1 kg of Ash Gourd/White Pumpkin
4 Green Cardamoms (peeled & crushed)
2 tsp. of Chemical Lime
3 cups (3/4 kg) of Sugar
1 tbsp. of Lemon Juice
1 tsp. of Rose Water
3 cups of Water

1) Peel the pumpkin and remove the seeds and the soft portion (fibres). Cut it into large, thick slices. Prick well with a fork, all over.

2) Dissolve 1 tsp. of lemon juice in water to cover the pumpkin and soak it for 2 hours. Remove the pieces from the water, discard the water and wash the pieces well. Cut pieces into cubes and soak once again in alot of lime for another 2 hours.

3) Drain the pieces and wash thoroughly, squeezing out the water and rinsing it again so that no trace of the lime remains. Boil the water and cook the ashgourd until it is well cooked through and transparent.

4) In the meantime, make a syrup out of the sugar, water, lemon juice and cardamoms until one thread consistency.

5) Keep the syrup warm and when the ashgourd pieces are cooked through, lift them out with a slotted spoon and transfer them into the syrup. Simmer for a couple of minutes, shut off the heat and add the rose water and mix well.

6) Drain the extra water. LEt it dry up a bit and store in an air tight container.

Friday, November 25, 2005, 7:30 AM

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