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help with weight loss

i can't seem to stop munching on things when i'm bored, and working out is so boring. does anyone have any off the wall suggestions that helped them? any kind of way of scaring yourself into not eating, or motivation to work out?

Thu. May 31, 3:18pm

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when possible, eat naked in front of a mirror. that took care of both of those worries for me.

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 3:20 PM

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when possible, eat naked in front of a mirror. that took care of both of those worries for me.

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 3:20 PM

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when possible, eat naked in front of a mirror. that took care of both of those worries for me.

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 3:20 PM

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Help with weight loss.

When you are on the treadmill, try reading a magazine or watching tv or listening to your favorite music radio station. vary your workout. don't do the routines in the same order all the time. challenge yourself often. 2 more of this and 2 more of that, add weights to your strength training, or have some sort of goal. but sometimes things are just boring, and i guess you just have to keep the big picture in mind. what you are doing is a means to an end and yet healthy eating is a lifetime deal. it is not on a diet for x number of months and then go back to regular eating. there is no such thing-- you didn't regular eat or you would not have gained weight. it is retraining lifestyle, one day at a time and keeping on even when we fall off the wagon, so to speak. I encourage you to try some of these suggestions, and specially the attitudes about eating and exercise. Remember, we are a work in progress. Have a great day! Tiggy

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 8:37 PM

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Help with weight loss.

When you are on the treadmill, try reading a magazine or watching tv or listening to your favorite music radio station. vary your workout. don't do the routines in the same order all the time. challenge yourself often. 2 more of this and 2 more of that, add weights to your strength training, or have some sort of goal. but sometimes things are just boring, and i guess you just have to keep the big picture in mind. what you are doing is a means to an end and yet healthy eating is a lifetime deal. it is not on a diet for x number of months and then go back to regular eating. there is no such thing-- you didn't regular eat or you would not have gained weight. it is retraining lifestyle, one day at a time and keeping on even when we fall off the wagon, so to speak. I encourage you to try some of these suggestions, and specially the attitudes about eating and exercise. Remember, we are a work in progress. Have a great day! Tiggy

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 8:37 PM

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Help with weight loss.

When you are on the treadmill, try reading a magazine or watching tv or listening to your favorite music radio station. vary your workout. don't do the routines in the same order all the time. challenge yourself often. 2 more of this and 2 more of that, add weights to your strength training, or have some sort of goal. but sometimes things are just boring, and i guess you just have to keep the big picture in mind. what you are doing is a means to an end and yet healthy eating is a lifetime deal. it is not on a diet for x number of months and then go back to regular eating. there is no such thing-- you didn't regular eat or you would not have gained weight. it is retraining lifestyle, one day at a time and keeping on even when we fall off the wagon, so to speak. I encourage you to try some of these suggestions, and specially the attitudes about eating and exercise. Remember, we are a work in progress. Have a great day! Tiggy

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 8:37 PM

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help with weight loss

Join a class, circuit training, makes you feel competitive and helps me perform better


Thursday, May 31, 2007, 11:54 PM

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help with weight loss

Join a class, circuit training, makes you feel competitive and helps me perform better


Thursday, May 31, 2007, 11:54 PM

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help with weight loss

Join a class, circuit training, makes you feel competitive and helps me perform better


Thursday, May 31, 2007, 11:54 PM

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This is an odd one, but it seems to work for me.

I shop for groceries fairly regularly, and don't buy anything extra when I go.

As a result, I don't really keep anything in the house too bad to snack on, and if I do there's not that much of it.

Friday, June 1, 2007, 1:45 AM

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This is an odd one, but it seems to work for me.

I shop for groceries fairly regularly, and don't buy anything extra when I go.

As a result, I don't really keep anything in the house too bad to snack on, and if I do there's not that much of it.

Friday, June 1, 2007, 1:45 AM

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This is an odd one, but it seems to work for me.

I shop for groceries fairly regularly, and don't buy anything extra when I go.

As a result, I don't really keep anything in the house too bad to snack on, and if I do there's not that much of it.

Friday, June 1, 2007, 1:45 AM

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