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european cigarettes better for you?

I've been hearing things lately that it's not the tobacco that's bad for you, it's the additives that the american companies put in the cigarettes. I miss smoking and I want my occasional cigarette with my coffee. Can anyone shed some light on this?

Wed. May 30, 10:33am

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it may well be that american cigarettes are worse for your body than are european cigarettes, but it doesn't follow that european cigarettes are therefore not bad for you. smoking is harmful to your lungs. why not try the patch or chew nicotine gum?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 10:44 AM

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it may well be that american cigarettes are worse for your body than are european cigarettes, but it doesn't follow that european cigarettes are therefore not bad for you. smoking is harmful to your lungs. why not try the patch or chew nicotine gum?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 10:44 AM

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it may well be that american cigarettes are worse for your body than are european cigarettes, but it doesn't follow that european cigarettes are therefore not bad for you. smoking is harmful to your lungs. why not try the patch or chew nicotine gum?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 10:44 AM

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Cigarrettes are just plain bad for you, no matter what side of the world their from.. Nicotine is a "reinforcing" drug, and once you're off of it, it's best for you to just stay off.

It's not easy to be a "part-time" smoker. A cigarette with your coffee every once in a while, can quickly turn into more than that.

Congrats on quitting in the first place!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 10:46 AM

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Cigarrettes are just plain bad for you, no matter what side of the world their from.. Nicotine is a "reinforcing" drug, and once you're off of it, it's best for you to just stay off.

It's not easy to be a "part-time" smoker. A cigarette with your coffee every once in a while, can quickly turn into more than that.

Congrats on quitting in the first place!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 10:46 AM

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Cigarrettes are just plain bad for you, no matter what side of the world their from.. Nicotine is a "reinforcing" drug, and once you're off of it, it's best for you to just stay off.

It's not easy to be a "part-time" smoker. A cigarette with your coffee every once in a while, can quickly turn into more than that.

Congrats on quitting in the first place!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 10:46 AM

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i heard that cigars are worse, but cigarettes are more addictive. cigarettes at least have a filter on it unlike the cigar which you get more chemicals into your system that are bad. They are both bad to get hooked on.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 10:08 PM

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i heard that cigars are worse, but cigarettes are more addictive. cigarettes at least have a filter on it unlike the cigar which you get more chemicals into your system that are bad. They are both bad to get hooked on.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 10:08 PM

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i heard that cigars are worse, but cigarettes are more addictive. cigarettes at least have a filter on it unlike the cigar which you get more chemicals into your system that are bad. They are both bad to get hooked on.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 10:08 PM

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Any smoke that you inhale, for any reason, is bad for your mouth, tongue, throat, lungs and brain.

Monday, June 7, 2010, 12:18 PM

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Any smoke that you inhale, for any reason, is bad for your mouth, tongue, throat, lungs and brain.

Monday, June 7, 2010, 12:18 PM

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Any smoke that you inhale, for any reason, is bad for your mouth, tongue, throat, lungs and brain.

Monday, June 7, 2010, 12:18 PM

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European cigarettes better for you?

I doubt it! I live in Ireland and stopped smoking recently - lots of people die here from smoking-related illnesses too! Don't go for the patches, they just maintain addiction. You don't need the cigarette, you've proved it by stopping. Well done! I managed not to gain weight and am really really proud of myself. I reckon that's the equivalent of an actual weight loss! Sionic

Friday, July 9, 2010, 10:07 AM

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European cigarettes better for you?

I doubt it! I live in Ireland and stopped smoking recently - lots of people die here from smoking-related illnesses too! Don't go for the patches, they just maintain addiction. You don't need the cigarette, you've proved it by stopping. Well done! I managed not to gain weight and am really really proud of myself. I reckon that's the equivalent of an actual weight loss! Sionic

Friday, July 9, 2010, 10:07 AM

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European cigarettes better for you?

I doubt it! I live in Ireland and stopped smoking recently - lots of people die here from smoking-related illnesses too! Don't go for the patches, they just maintain addiction. You don't need the cigarette, you've proved it by stopping. Well done! I managed not to gain weight and am really really proud of myself. I reckon that's the equivalent of an actual weight loss! Sionic

Friday, July 9, 2010, 10:07 AM

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cigarettes have their pros and cons man.

pros : relieve stress, awesome when your drunk

cons : cancer, smelly breath, hot girls hate it, breathing complications, ruins your energy levels, depression, coughing up tar/blood, giving money to a huge business out to destroy lives, etc.

so all in all its probably worth it to smoke cigarettes man. it makes you look cool.

Saturday, July 31, 2010, 1:23 PM

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cigarettes have their pros and cons man.

pros : relieve stress, awesome when your drunk

cons : cancer, smelly breath, hot girls hate it, breathing complications, ruins your energy levels, depression, coughing up tar/blood, giving money to a huge business out to destroy lives, etc.

so all in all its probably worth it to smoke cigarettes man. it makes you look cool.

Saturday, July 31, 2010, 1:23 PM

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cigarettes have their pros and cons man.

pros : relieve stress, awesome when your drunk

cons : cancer, smelly breath, hot girls hate it, breathing complications, ruins your energy levels, depression, coughing up tar/blood, giving money to a huge business out to destroy lives, etc.

so all in all its probably worth it to smoke cigarettes man. it makes you look cool.

Saturday, July 31, 2010, 1:23 PM

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