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Scientific question - weight at higher/lower elevation

A friend of mine went on vacation from Reno to Sacramento. Reno is 4800 feet above sea level and Sacramento is at sea level. She did her weekly weigh-in in Sacramento and is not sure if it was accurate due to the change in elevation. She asked me if I knew anything about it and I tried looking some things up online but I couldn't find any conclusive information. Does anyone know? Would you weigh more or less at a different elevation?

Mon. Nov 21, 11:20am

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I'm not sure about weighing less or more at different elevations, what I do know is the I live in the NW, my mom lives in Hawaii and we have the same scale, I seem to weigh the same after a few days of being there. I think it might have to do with the scale rather then elevation. If you go into a store and weigh yourself on all the different scale they all say something different. I tend to think the most accurate scale is the old fashioned type you find in the doc office.

Monday, November 21, 2005, 12:53 PM

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Agree with the previous poster about the scales. As for the science question, weight as measured on a scale depends on gravity, and gravity is less powerful at longer distances (higher elevation) but the difference between high and low points on Earth is smaller than you can measure on these sorts of scales. Most of the things you see that vary with elevation are dependent on air pressure, for example, the boiling point of water goes down at higher elevation and that affects cooking times.

Monday, November 21, 2005, 2:31 PM

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