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JEANS- Fat ones and skinny ones

What do you guys think about buying jeans that don't fit--- "right now"? I almost bought size 12 jeans this past weekend (I'm a 14 now, but it's a squeeze!) as inspiration to lose approx. 10-12 lbs. over the next month or so and wear them for Christmas/New Year's. Do you think this is a good idea, or too much pressure?
BTW, the jeans are FABULOUS! :)

Mon. Nov 21, 8:25am

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if that will motivate you then I would... I don't buy smaller things because then I just get frustrated when I don't get into them fast enough and tend to give up to easy...

do what works for you

Monday, November 21, 2005, 8:53 AM

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I would do it. Buy them and don't look back and try them on every week to see your progress. Think of how hot you'll look at new years.

Monday, November 21, 2005, 8:58 AM

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I wouldn't buy them, but that's b/c I'm cheap, and very picky about how my clothes look on my body; I wouldn't trust that losing 10-12lbs would be in exactly the correct proportion to make my body a good match for those particular jeans. But, again, that's just me! If the jeans are fabulous, and returnable if you reach the size but not the shape for them, then go for it!!

Monday, November 21, 2005, 9:37 AM

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I wouldn't buy them either. It can be damaging if you end up not fitting into them. If the 14's are a squeeze why not concentrate on having the 14's fit loosely. Then you can go buy those 12's knowing you will already fit into them. If you buy them now there is no way to know if 10 pounds will get you into them since you don't know where that 10 pounds will come off. Then theres the fact that what if you do fit into them and decided they don't look so good, your stuck with them and wasted that money. Better to wait so you can see what they will look like on your body first.

Monday, November 21, 2005, 10:02 AM

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10-12 pounds by Christmas is a lot! That's at least 2 pounds a week 5 weeks in a row! Even when I was losing at my fastest, I wasn't keeping up with that pace, and this is the holiday season - lots of pit falls. Just don't set yourself up for failure if missing your goal will ruin your season or otherwise make you unhappy.

Monday, November 21, 2005, 10:46 AM

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My advice? Buy them, but don't set a specific time goal for them to fit. Hang them in your closet and look at them and tell them, "Someday soon I'm going to wear you and look sooo good."
Our bodies change at different paces. If we set too specific goals, we can end up frustrated.
You're getting healthier every day-that's great! And over time, you're becoming a smaller size too.

Monday, November 21, 2005, 11:45 AM

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I've done that before. I had pants that I loved and wanted to buy more of them but at a different size. I was afraid that if I didn't buy them then, they may not be available later when I was skinnier. I wish I had done that with my current pair of jeans. I love them but now they are too big and Gap does not sell that style anymore. Now I don't like the style of my old skinny jeans (too high waisted.).

Bottom line is, go for it if you can afford it.

Monday, November 21, 2005, 12:06 PM

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Thank you guys so much!

Your encouragement was awesome. I have decided to get them next week. I know I'm being ambitious with my goal, but with your support and those jeans! I can't lose. And if I do we can get through it together.
BTW, they ARE Gap jeans. And I'm afraid they won't be there soon! I will keep you posted!
Thanks a million! :)

Monday, November 21, 2005, 2:15 PM

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sew up the sides!

I have been sewing up the sides of my old "fat" pair of jeans to make them fit better. We don't have much money right now so I am making do. If you have a sewing machine it is easy to turn the jeans inside out and using a heavy duty denim needle, you sew on the edge by a half inch or more all the way (or most of the way) down the leg angling closer and closer to the original seam.
The new seam cuts into the belt loops and the pockets by a bit... but it does not make much of a difference.

Friday, November 25, 2005, 9:44 AM

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