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Is tomato soup fattening?

Just curious. The weather is making me crave it.

Sun. Nov 20, 3:16pm

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Are you making it yourself, or from a can, or buying it? Of course, if it's homemade or canned you'll know the nutrition facts. If you choose to prepare it with milk rather than water make sure to use 2% (or 1% or skim) to keep the calories down. It's tasty and chock full of lycopene (antioxidant) and a fell- good food.

My only point making it a maybe would be if you get it pre-prepared and then it could be made with whole milk or cream, and then have a higher caloric content.

Sunday, November 20, 2005, 6:40 PM

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Trader Joe's Tomato Soup

100 calories for a cup. yummy. not fattening.

Sunday, November 20, 2005, 6:49 PM

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soup is generally low calorie. Just be ware of the amount of sodium in canned soup - it can get really high.

Monday, November 21, 2005, 10:12 AM

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To the 4th poster not all soup is low calorie or low fat. A lot of soups are way more cals and fat then you would think. But soups that are broth based w/ veggies are usually low cal and fat, as long as you don't see a lot of fat floating on the top, which you can see. I used to love corn chowders but was shocked when I saw how much fat and cals were in a tiny serving. Lots of soups use cream, milk, coconut milk, oils, all of which add huge amounts of fat and cals, granted olive oil is good fat still if your trying to be careful you want to avoid too much.

Monday, November 21, 2005, 1:24 PM

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Campbell's Tomato Soup - the industry standard??

1 serving is 1/2 cup, 90 calories, 12g sugar (20g carbs), 2g protein, 1g fiber, 0g fat, and 710mg sodium. So, a serving isn't really fattening, but it is a lot of sodium, so drink a lot of water!! (I think the half cup is condensed, w/o adding the water/milk)

In Campbell's Microwavable Bowls, the tomato soup is 1 cup (I guess just the whole package), and 110 calories, 19g sugar (24g carb), 0.5g fat, 3g protein, 3g fiber, and 790 mg sodium. So, again, not going to kill a diet, just very salty!!

Campbell's Soup At Hand, Tomato, is 140 calories for 1 container, w/ 3g protein, 18g sugar (31g carbs), 0g fat, 2g fiber, and 890 mg sodium.

Alternatively, Healthy Choice Creamy Tomato canned soup is 100 calories for 1 cup, 1.5g fat, 13g sugar (22g carbs), 2g fiber, 3g protein, and 480mg sodium, so a little lower calorie and much lower sodium. You just have to look around. I found all of this online, you could too!!

It is, however, relatively empty calories, with most of the calories coming from sugar, so it won't make you full or keep you full. So, just be cautious of your sodium intake and your serving size, and enjoy in moderation!

Monday, November 21, 2005, 1:40 PM

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If you are really craving for the tomato soup, then you must surely go for it. Trying making it at your home if it is possible. It is very interesting to read bestessays reviews before help in essay writing task. You would notice that making tomato soup at home is more economical and nutritional.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 12:28 AM

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