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Ticker Factory Rulers

Hey, how do you all add those pretty weight or BMI rulers to your goals? It wouldn't just copy and paste!

Mon. May 21, 9:04am

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Go to My Info and paste it into your goals. Don't try to paste it into your goals from your log page.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 10:14 AM

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Go to My Info and paste it into your goals. Don't try to paste it into your goals from your log page.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 10:14 AM

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Go to My Info and paste it into your goals. Don't try to paste it into your goals from your log page.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 10:14 AM

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You have to copy the text in the "html" box on ticker factory. It should work from just copying that text.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 10:14 AM

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You have to copy the text in the "html" box on ticker factory. It should work from just copying that text.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 10:14 AM

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You have to copy the text in the "html" box on ticker factory. It should work from just copying that text.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 10:14 AM

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sorry, what is the 'html' box?...

Monday, May 21, 2007, 10:58 AM

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sorry, what is the 'html' box?...

Monday, May 21, 2007, 10:58 AM

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sorry, what is the 'html' box?...

Monday, May 21, 2007, 10:58 AM

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Okay, step-by-step:

Go to, and select the type of ticker that you'd like to make (they have weight loss, BMI, pregnancy, savings, etc.)

Choose the design you'd like, and click "next."

Choose the "slider" you'd like, and click "next." The slider is the little icon that shows up on the ticker to display how far you've gotten.

Enter the information that it asks for - password, current height and weight, goal weight, etc. (if you're doing weight loss. I don't know what it asks for in the other cases.) Click "next."

You get a screen that shows your ticker, all nice and pretty. Below your ticker are 3 boxes of text, and it says above them "cut and paste code for most boards and web pages:" One box is bbCode, one is HTML, and one is ezCode.

The box that is HTML code - copy all of the text from that box (highlight it all with your mouse, and hit the "ctrl" key and the "c" key at the same time.) Then go into your goals section, and paste all of the text there (hold down the "ctrl" key and the "v" key at the same time.) Then hit "update" in your log. Once the log is updated, you will see your ticker there. When you are editing that part of your log, it will look like text, but the part that you see after everything is updated will display your ticker.

Be careful trying to make a new ticker, though, if you already have one - I clicked on "create a new ticker," so I could walk users through how to make one, and it somehow deleted all my past data! I've been doing this for a long time, so that's a few months of weight loss that used to be tracked in the pretty picture that is now gone... Just a warning to others!!

Monday, May 21, 2007, 3:33 PM

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Okay, step-by-step:

Go to, and select the type of ticker that you'd like to make (they have weight loss, BMI, pregnancy, savings, etc.)

Choose the design you'd like, and click "next."

Choose the "slider" you'd like, and click "next." The slider is the little icon that shows up on the ticker to display how far you've gotten.

Enter the information that it asks for - password, current height and weight, goal weight, etc. (if you're doing weight loss. I don't know what it asks for in the other cases.) Click "next."

You get a screen that shows your ticker, all nice and pretty. Below your ticker are 3 boxes of text, and it says above them "cut and paste code for most boards and web pages:" One box is bbCode, one is HTML, and one is ezCode.

The box that is HTML code - copy all of the text from that box (highlight it all with your mouse, and hit the "ctrl" key and the "c" key at the same time.) Then go into your goals section, and paste all of the text there (hold down the "ctrl" key and the "v" key at the same time.) Then hit "update" in your log. Once the log is updated, you will see your ticker there. When you are editing that part of your log, it will look like text, but the part that you see after everything is updated will display your ticker.

Be careful trying to make a new ticker, though, if you already have one - I clicked on "create a new ticker," so I could walk users through how to make one, and it somehow deleted all my past data! I've been doing this for a long time, so that's a few months of weight loss that used to be tracked in the pretty picture that is now gone... Just a warning to others!!

Monday, May 21, 2007, 3:33 PM

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Okay, step-by-step:

Go to, and select the type of ticker that you'd like to make (they have weight loss, BMI, pregnancy, savings, etc.)

Choose the design you'd like, and click "next."

Choose the "slider" you'd like, and click "next." The slider is the little icon that shows up on the ticker to display how far you've gotten.

Enter the information that it asks for - password, current height and weight, goal weight, etc. (if you're doing weight loss. I don't know what it asks for in the other cases.) Click "next."

You get a screen that shows your ticker, all nice and pretty. Below your ticker are 3 boxes of text, and it says above them "cut and paste code for most boards and web pages:" One box is bbCode, one is HTML, and one is ezCode.

The box that is HTML code - copy all of the text from that box (highlight it all with your mouse, and hit the "ctrl" key and the "c" key at the same time.) Then go into your goals section, and paste all of the text there (hold down the "ctrl" key and the "v" key at the same time.) Then hit "update" in your log. Once the log is updated, you will see your ticker there. When you are editing that part of your log, it will look like text, but the part that you see after everything is updated will display your ticker.

Be careful trying to make a new ticker, though, if you already have one - I clicked on "create a new ticker," so I could walk users through how to make one, and it somehow deleted all my past data! I've been doing this for a long time, so that's a few months of weight loss that used to be tracked in the pretty picture that is now gone... Just a warning to others!!

Monday, May 21, 2007, 3:33 PM

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thanks so much! It did work now :)

... sorry for being so technologically outdated..:) Thanks again.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 3:40 PM

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thanks so much! It did work now :)

... sorry for being so technologically outdated..:) Thanks again.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 3:40 PM

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thanks so much! It did work now :)

... sorry for being so technologically outdated..:) Thanks again.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 3:40 PM

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