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It's so cold outside. Help!

I don't even want to go the 5 minutes it takes to get to the gym. It's going to be along winter. Any tips? I've got to get there today.

Fri. Nov 18, 10:30am

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hat, mittens, scarf... and a workout buddy! And if you workout hard, the walk back won't feel so cold!

Friday, November 18, 2005, 11:12 AM

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Consider some workout tapes perhaps? Yoga, kickboxing, weightlifting... Or maybe think of a fun (and healthy) reward for going to the gym, like a nice hot bath...

Friday, November 18, 2005, 11:45 AM

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I don't really have any advice but I wanted to tell you that you aren't alone on this one! I tried to get up to take a walk this morning before work and just couldn't stand the thought of the first 15 minutes freezing. While rationally I knew that I would warm up, I just couldn't do it.

Friday, November 18, 2005, 11:48 AM

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Thank god I live in California now. It may be cold in the morning, but nothing like the midwest or east coast, brrrrr. When I moved from CA to Illinois I put on a bunch of weight, not good at all.

Friday, November 18, 2005, 12:57 PM

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Ugh, I have this problem too. Driving to the gym in the dark... Just do it! Make all the excuses you want in your head. Then put that big coat on and get to the gym. You don't have to feel excited about going to the gym, but you gotta go!

Friday, November 18, 2005, 1:10 PM

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Get yourself some long-sleeve workout tops. They come in moisture-wicking fabrics that are great for both cold (in car, on the way) and hot (at the gym) environments. Put that on, then your long sleeve coat and hat a couple minutes before you head out the door to get nice and toasty and those 20 steps to the car will seem like nuthin'.

Friday, November 18, 2005, 1:16 PM

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Take a very hot bath right before you leave the house so you still feel warm as you walk out the door - at least for a couple minutes!

Friday, November 18, 2005, 2:01 PM

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No kidding!

Suggestion: Set your clothes out the night before, so you just have to climb into them before the gym.
Also,here's the thing:
It's too cold, it's too hot, I'm too tired, there's so many ways to talk yourself out of it! I give myself a billion reasons not to workout every day! But you will feel like a superhero when you're done! ("To think I went to work out even though it's freezing! I ROCK!")
The increase in confidence is plenty reward.
Good luck!

Friday, November 18, 2005, 2:55 PM

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I think that it's like anything. It's cold outside but you still have to go to work. You still have to drop your kids off at school. You still have to go out to dinner with your friends. Working out has to be as necessary as all the other things that you are comitted to do.

Saturday, November 19, 2005, 10:24 AM

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