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Healthy Food for Kids under 5years old...add your favorite
I saw the recipie thread and thought what a great idea! So here's a thread for all the mom's out there trying to get kids to eat something other then crackers, PB&J, and of course chicken nuggets...
My preschoolers really enjoy raw veggies when I let them draw in their dip. I use colored plates (paper or regular) and put a big dollop of ranch dressing on it...then we use the carrot sticks, broccoli, name it as paint brushes and draw all sorts of things by smearing the dip flat then making designs on top.
I think they are surprised when they eat something they normally would not and then like it!
Fri. Nov 18, 12:51am
Mine LOVE turkey dogs. And chinese food! seriously, they do.
Friday, November 18, 2005, 7:34 AM
My daughter is an odd eater, she won't touch any of the stuff most kids love (mac n cheese, pb & j, chick nuggets, cheese of any kind including grilled cheese, pizza) she loves Indian, most chinese, thai, beets, sushi (pickled ginger especially) most highly seasoned and spicy things. I also can't get her to drink milk or juice. I don't mind the juice though, but she will always eat fruit.
Friday, November 18, 2005, 8:18 AM
My daughter (age 3) loves Raisin Bran and Kelloggs Tiger Power cereal. I give her raisins as a snack to help boost her fruit intake. When she has a pb&j, I make it with wheat bread, all-natural unsalted peanut butter and low-sugar jelly. She only drinks milk and water but as a treat sometimes I make her "lemonade," water with a little sprinkle of Crystal Light to flavor it.
Friday, November 18, 2005, 3:55 PM
My son is a vegetarian who won't eat vegetables. He does love hummus, though, and will eat it as a dip with broccoli and baby carrots. He also really loves the baked marinated tofu made by White Wave!
Friday, November 18, 2005, 8:43 PM
When my daughter and I are out and about for the day I usually bring along zip lock bags with snacks in them, but instead of crackers, chips or cookies she has veggie bootie or pirate bootie and really likes apple cinnamon soy crisps....these are all healthy flavored rice cake like snacks that have lots of vitamins and minerals and also alot of soy protein, but they taste like treats. She also seems to enjoy eating things as long as she gets to help pick them out and prepare we eat alot of burritos and fajitas because she likes to put in the beans and chicken and even veggies.
I also find having her eat healthy food is easier when I make it into a game. Its silly, But some times (if shes not being a cranky 4 year old! haha) we play a game called rainbow basket when we go grocery shopping where we go to the produce section and see who can fill the basket up with the most different colors...she thinks its fun and suggests fruits and veggies and even squash cause its yellow, then we find recipes to use all of the stuff we've bought and make what we call rainbow dinner or rainbow snack....meaning veggie soups, fruit salad ect. She has fun and feels proud because she took part in what we made and then wants everyone to try it!
Saturday, November 19, 2005, 2:14 AM
Healthy kids
I banned eating anything but fruit in front of the TV - mainly cos I was sick of cleaning up crumbs. TV watching is down and fruit consumption is up!! As a habit my kids tend to go for the fruit bowl when they're hungry now.
Saturday, November 19, 2005, 3:33 AM
To the poster whose son is a vegetarian. First an FYI, too much soy for boys isn't so good, you shoould read some of the studies. As far as your son being a vetetarian I find that funny, are you one as well? If you are wouldn't it be safe to say that your son is because you are? After all you buy the food and if you don't buy meats that doesn't really make him a vegetarian, you choose for him to be a vegetarian.
Saturday, November 19, 2005, 9:47 AM
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