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I mean the bathroom kind, not the fish kind.
Does anyone have a high tech scale that measures not just your weight but also body composition (fat vs. lean mass)? I'm thinking about buying one because I'm convinced that part of my weight gain since having my son is muscle mass from lugging a 30 lb toddler around (ha - not really). I carry him on my back up and down stairs into the subway and into his day care twice a day.
If anyone has any input on the newer scales, I'd love to hear it.
Thu. Nov 17, 1:11pm
I have the Tanita BC533 Glass Innerscan Body Composition Monitor. It measures everything including body fat, muscle mass, body water, metabolic age, if I gain, I can see exactly why. I love it!
Thursday, November 17, 2005, 2:44 PM
Accuracy of scales that also measure body fat?
I always thought that the scales which measure body fat are not accurate at all? Anyone know?
Thursday, November 17, 2005, 7:17 PM
Acuracy? vs. Consistency...
I've heard the same things you have about bio-impedence scales perhaps not being particularly accurate. However I have one because it seems to be at least consistent with itself. In broad strokes, I can see whether I'm making progress (or at least if I'm moving in the right direction). Sometimes the weight number isn't moving, but the fat % is.
I've also become much more aware of dehydration as a factor in weight, since it has a HUGE effect on the body fat % the scale displays.
Just another thing that can motivate...
Thursday, November 17, 2005, 7:36 PM
Someone told me to buy the :
$119.99 for a bathroom scale. Well, not just any old bathroom scale,
but a Tanita BC533 Glass InnerScan Body Composition Monitor, at
It's suppose to be the very best. I see someone else recommended it.
I will buy it for my self too.
Good luck
Thursday, November 17, 2005, 9:09 PM
Thanks for the input everyone! I ordered a less-sophisticated model that the PP recommended. It was cheaper and measured what I needed - weight and body composition.
Friday, November 18, 2005, 10:52 AM
Please tell us what you think. My scale seems off and I step on it three times and take an average of it. Maybe I'll get the body composition monitor because I'd like to know fat %, etc.
Saturday, November 19, 2005, 10:51 AM
There was another thread about scales a while back - the general consensus was that scales that measure body composition are very inaccurate. Just be careful taking the numbers you get from a scale like that as gospel - keep in mind that lots of things (including how wet your feet are!) can change the reading you get.
Monday, November 21, 2005, 10:03 AM
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