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AM or PM

I was wondering what times do you good people excercise? I was doing the AM session, but somedays I feel I cannot get out of bed, what more huff and puff in front of the PC.

Nowadays with the PM sessions, I get a more thorough workout and don't tend to cheat and sweat a lot more.

But I hear the metabolism trick is to do your excercise in the morning? What's your take?

Thu. Nov 17, 8:07am

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AM or PM

I do both, which seems to work for me. In the morning I will work out with weights M/W/F arms T/Th/S legs and abs. Then when I get home from work I will do my cardio. I find that coming home and doing my cadio in the evening really helps release a lot of my stress from the day.

Thursday, November 17, 2005, 8:44 AM

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The best time to exercise is when you're more likely to do it. I would love to be one of those who gets out of bed and fits in a full workout before heading in to work, but I can't. If I'm not getting paid to get out of bed (and I mean actual $$$, not health benefits), then I'm not able to stick with it.

So I head into work at 7, get off at 4 and workout then. I can go as long as I want, and I make much healthier choices for dinner after a workout, plus I'm not so likely to snack in the evening (a big problem time for me). I'm also more relaxed in the evening, and by the time my husband gets home, I've worked off most of the frustrations of the day. Thus, I figure any metabolism kick is better than not doing it, which is what happens when I try to work out in the early morning. If you are a person who doesn't mind mornings, then yes, I had read the same thing about the metabolism boost being better at that time.

Thursday, November 17, 2005, 9:51 AM

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I don't like to exercise too late at night because then I have problems sleeping. But, I'm also able to exercise in the morning so that's when I do it. If I had to be to work first thing in the morning, I'd be working out after work.

Thursday, November 17, 2005, 12:41 PM

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I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than exercise in the mornings... But sometimes I'll do a set of crunches and a set of pushups while my fiance is in the shower, before work, just so that I know that I've done something useful that day.

Thursday, November 17, 2005, 1:12 PM

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Quite right, something is better than nothing. Lately I've switched to pm sessions and I find I am keeping more to the schedule as compared to morning sessions. Also I tend to eat wisely for dinner, as you tend to be less hungry. It definitely aids my sleep and can go uninterrupted for like 6 hours.

Maybe if I did yoga in the morning? Some meditation thingy, thay way I can do it in my jammies ;) What say you all?


Friday, November 18, 2005, 5:03 AM

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the problem for me with yoga in the morning is that I often fall back asleep when I do the lying down poses...not very useful for getting to work on time. :)

Friday, November 18, 2005, 7:27 AM

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