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Tone up?

I have lost around 15lbs and now I feel I am very losened up. I do only cardio for a workout. I am not keen to join a gym as yet as my work keeps me very busy.. and there is a financial crunch as well
I know I should be doing some weight training, but I cant do that on my own, can I? Can you'll please suggest some good excercises to tighten the thighs, waist and arms? Any tapes?

Wed. Nov 16, 4:21am

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I feel the same way- cardio is cheap and toning requires equipment. While you can do crunches, push ups and squats until you're blue in the face, I found that I had to work way too hard to get any sort of results (and who has the time and patience for that?!). I suggest buying 2 things: a set of weights (8-10 lbs) and an exercise ball. Adding either or both to any exercise will help you tone up much more quickly, and you can find exercises all over the net that use them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 8:07 AM

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There are a lot of isometric exercises that are "weight training" because you are using the weight of your own body as resistance. One that I remember is leaning your back against a wall and putting your feet out so your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle and trying to hold yourself in that position for as long as possible. It''s hard! Or slowly lowering and raising yourself from a chair without actually letting your butt touch the seat.

I would look into that if you can't afford a gym membership right now.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 10:00 AM

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my father swears by isometric exercises. he used them for training when he was a boxer in the Airforce. he's taught me and they really do help

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 10:12 AM

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I love windsor pilates DVD's or working with a stability ball, I just bought a really good kit at Target for only $26. It includes ball, pump nd workout DVD. Sometimes I work with the ball while I am watching my late night shows.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 12:04 PM

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Besides all the good ideas above, consider resistance bands.

Also, there are many variations of squats and lunges for legs, for which you don't need equipment. I'm sure there are bunches of tapes and DVDs with those but I don't have a recommendation.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 1:16 PM

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Good toning tapes

15 Minute Workouts for Dummies -- extremely well designed, and there are 4 segments: Abs, Arms, Butt, Legs. Needs dumbells (3-5-8 range)

The Abs Diet Workout -- Great total body circuit training, where you rewind and do the 10-min circuit 2-3 times. Three levels. Also has 5-min ab segments. Needs dumbells (5-8-10 range).

Kathy Ireland Core Workout -- the title is misleading, it's a toning tape for Abs, Butt, and Thighs (12-min segments). No equipment necessary. It's not done in sync with any music but there is a lite beat, which can be a little disconcerting. The principle is that you do each move for 45 seconds at your own pace.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 2:15 PM

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone.. !

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 11:00 PM

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