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I hate friday and saturday nights alone.
I end up eating ice cream. oink oink.
Mon. Nov 14, 2:44pm
I hate them too, but they're generally better for me (food wise) than nights when I'm out and about. Friday and Saturday nights out are the worst temptation for me to eat and drink more than I should!
Monday, November 14, 2005, 2:47 PM
Have you thought about joining a gym and going on those nights? If you take a class it will get you exercise and around other people. I know that when I exercise and work really hard I have a less of a tendency to eat a bunch of unhealthy food.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005, 12:13 PM
so do I. I go to the gym on Friday nights now but maybe we should all organize a happy hour that goes to late night in every city in the world...Name suggestions?
Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 6:23 AM
I hate friday and saturday nights alone.
Everyone hates being alone and sitting with their lonliness...and all those tempting goodies in the refrigerator. If you're not too tired, it might be better to spend $10 going out to a movie (without the popcorn) than sitting home. If you live near a Barnes and Noble, maybe there are free author talks worth checking out. Even sitting in a cafe with a book and cup of coffee or tea (without sugar or milk) might save you from eating that ice cream. If you must stay at home, keep your mouth occupied by calling family or friends or putting on music that you can sing along to. Just remember when you feel alone that you are not alone -- thousands of others nation-wide are sitting home alone feeling lonely too. And if you can, try to keep the ice cream and other temptations out of your refrigerator so they don't call your name when you feel lonely.
Monday, November 21, 2005, 8:17 PM
You have us!
I also recommend getting out to a library, or a movie (bring fruit- you'll want to munch-- or light popcorn and a diet soda!).
Also, stay AWAY from the TV when you're feeling down! It's practically hypnotizing with all those food commercials. Or, watch a performance of your favorite artist (who just happens to be gorgeous). You'll get inspired too!
Good luck!
Monday, November 21, 2005, 8:22 PM
when I found myself alone after dating someone for 3 yrs, I was so bored that I decided to PAINT my apt! It was 11pm on a Saturday night, I cranked up the music, and just started to slap some color on my walls! Not only did it pass the time, it helped me get all my frustrations out! Plus...I found myself singing along w/the radio and dancing like a fool!! Next time you are bored or lonely...start a new project...anything...just get your mind off of the loneliness...and turn on some disco!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 4:20 PM
How about taking some dance classes or going to one of those swing parties where they have a class first and then a swing dance? There is always swing and contra dancing going on somewhere around here (which is not a big city), and that way you have a mode of socializing that doesn't center around eating or sitting around.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 6:31 PM
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