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Just a quick question about climbing stairs. Is it better to go up them really fast (kinda jog up them) or is it better to go slow and really push your body up??

Mon. Nov 14, 8:48am

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Have you tried doing real stairs yet?? They're way harder than a stairmaster. Even a normal pace is hard to maintain for more than 5-7 flights. I suggest monitoring your pulse to determine how you attack the stairs. I keep it to 150bpm, and that means I'm doing the stairs in slow motion -- I count Mississippis, so it takes 2 seconds per step. Since it can get boring, I do weightless arm movements (like shoulder press, bicep curl, punches, etc.) every other flight, which also raises your heart rate.

I live in a tall building, so I've got about 30 flights to play with - takes 15 minutes and I do them 2-3x for a very sweaty workout. Just avoid going DOWN the stairs -- it can cause knee problems (my personal trainer-sister warned me of this).

Monday, November 14, 2005, 9:34 AM

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I used to do the stair step at the gym, but then started doing them in my house (6 all together with outside counted) they are a lot tougher then in the gym. I do this for 10 min as a warm up of sorts or just to get my heart rate up. I know what the other poster said about going down, this is harder on your knees.

Monday, November 14, 2005, 10:13 AM

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stadium stairs

i agree with the past two posts. i don't do the stairmaster anymore since i started running at my university's stadium. it's so much harder and so much nicer, even when the weather is bad, to be outside. it kind-of makes you feel like ROCKY!!

and, the cool thing about the stadium is that there's one in every town/city and most always they are open for public use during the day.

Monday, November 14, 2005, 11:35 AM

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