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greatest reward achieved though diet

what is the greatest reward you have recieved by changing your lifestyle???

for me it is the energy that I have now that is giving me time with my sons, my 14 yr old mostly because he exercises with me by walking and playing basketball and we get to have lots of talks that we otherwise wouldn't have.
so before inches or weight lost it's the ENERGY gained to be with my kids and do fun things.


Sun. Nov 13, 6:00pm

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It's my fiance telling me how little I feel in his arms, and how big and safe he feels in comparison (even though in reality, he's pretty scrawny!) and being able to look in the mirror while I'm getting dressed and smile, for real! It's putting on a pair of pants and not having those rolls that come out over the top anymore!

Monday, November 14, 2005, 8:56 AM

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It's my fiance telling me how little I feel in his arms, and how big and safe he feels in comparison (even though in reality, he's pretty scrawny!) and being able to look in the mirror while I'm getting dressed and smile, for real! It's putting on a pair of pants and not having those rolls that come out over the top anymore!

Monday, November 14, 2005, 8:56 AM

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It's my fiance telling me how little I feel in his arms, and how big and safe he feels in comparison (even though in reality, he's pretty scrawny!) and being able to look in the mirror while I'm getting dressed and smile, for real! It's putting on a pair of pants and not having those rolls that come out over the top anymore!

Monday, November 14, 2005, 8:56 AM

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I've gained self confidence. My true self shines through now. I've gained the attraction of men...and the confidence to never settle for one who doesn't treat me well. I've gained biceps and calves to die for. I've gained the delimma of picking up clothes in the store and getting them home only to find my distorted perception resulted in me buying way too big clothes. But most of all, I've gained health and happiness!

Monday, November 14, 2005, 9:06 AM

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I've gained self confidence. My true self shines through now. I've gained the attraction of men...and the confidence to never settle for one who doesn't treat me well. I've gained biceps and calves to die for. I've gained the delimma of picking up clothes in the store and getting them home only to find my distorted perception resulted in me buying way too big clothes. But most of all, I've gained health and happiness!

Monday, November 14, 2005, 9:06 AM

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I've gained self confidence. My true self shines through now. I've gained the attraction of men...and the confidence to never settle for one who doesn't treat me well. I've gained biceps and calves to die for. I've gained the delimma of picking up clothes in the store and getting them home only to find my distorted perception resulted in me buying way too big clothes. But most of all, I've gained health and happiness!

Monday, November 14, 2005, 9:06 AM

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My blood pressure was 134/90 and it's now 116/68. I feel much more energetic, I have more confidence and my family is feeling the benefits in my attitude.

Monday, November 14, 2005, 9:49 AM

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My blood pressure was 134/90 and it's now 116/68. I feel much more energetic, I have more confidence and my family is feeling the benefits in my attitude.

Monday, November 14, 2005, 9:49 AM

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My blood pressure was 134/90 and it's now 116/68. I feel much more energetic, I have more confidence and my family is feeling the benefits in my attitude.

Monday, November 14, 2005, 9:49 AM

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I love how I look in p ictures now! I love that my double chin is gone :-) I used to hide when the cameras would come out at events or family gatherings and in old pictures I always looked glum - but now I stand up straight, smile big and have no problem with it. My favoriate shot is me and my 5 month old nephew taken on a hike. We are walking down the trail and I am holding him in front of me in his snuggly, and we are both looking back over our shoulders at the picture-taker and we are obviously mellow, relaxed and enjoying the day together. It melts my heart every time I look at it. The 'old' me would never have let anyone near me with a carema and if they had, I would have looked hunched over and miserable, and I wouldn't have that little piece of history to cherish.

Monday, November 14, 2005, 10:05 AM

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I love how I look in p ictures now! I love that my double chin is gone :-) I used to hide when the cameras would come out at events or family gatherings and in old pictures I always looked glum - but now I stand up straight, smile big and have no problem with it. My favoriate shot is me and my 5 month old nephew taken on a hike. We are walking down the trail and I am holding him in front of me in his snuggly, and we are both looking back over our shoulders at the picture-taker and we are obviously mellow, relaxed and enjoying the day together. It melts my heart every time I look at it. The 'old' me would never have let anyone near me with a carema and if they had, I would have looked hunched over and miserable, and I wouldn't have that little piece of history to cherish.

Monday, November 14, 2005, 10:05 AM

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I love how I look in p ictures now! I love that my double chin is gone :-) I used to hide when the cameras would come out at events or family gatherings and in old pictures I always looked glum - but now I stand up straight, smile big and have no problem with it. My favoriate shot is me and my 5 month old nephew taken on a hike. We are walking down the trail and I am holding him in front of me in his snuggly, and we are both looking back over our shoulders at the picture-taker and we are obviously mellow, relaxed and enjoying the day together. It melts my heart every time I look at it. The 'old' me would never have let anyone near me with a carema and if they had, I would have looked hunched over and miserable, and I wouldn't have that little piece of history to cherish.

Monday, November 14, 2005, 10:05 AM

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