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incline vs flat
Which is a better way to lose weight on a treadmill :
walk on an incline or run on flat?
Unfortunately, my ability is not high enough to run on an incline.
Sun. Nov 13, 8:42am
I find even walking on an incline tones my booty more! Like the bottoms of the cheeks. You get the same effects by walking up stairs. I can't run on an incline....yet....but it is something I am going to work up to.
Sunday, November 13, 2005, 8:44 AM
Anyday walking on a incline is much much better. You dont necessarily have to jog to reduce weight. Infact what I've read is walking at high speeds is much more effective and less injurious to the knees than a jog/run.
I always walk/run on a incline. While walking, on a more inclination and less when I break into a run. I try to take up my walking speed to a level when I can feel the tension in my calves go up.
And yes thighs and hips get the workout on the inclines. Just try keeping your palm on the back of your upper thigh when you do this. You can feel it working. Atleast I do...
Sunday, November 13, 2005, 9:55 AM
I'm the original poster...
So, then would the stair master be better than the incline? I dont' have a whole lot of time for my workouts, so I'm trying to get the best results with what I can do. Say in 60 mins of cardio, what is the most effective? Usualy I break it up between the treadmill, bike and stepper.
Sunday, November 13, 2005, 10:50 AM
split routine
i have read (and experienced) that 20 minutes for any machine is the limit for a "fat burning" effect. After 20 min., switch machines for another 20. I hope you're doing resistance training too...60 minutes of straight cardio is alot. You are more than likely depleting your muscle mass with this, unless of course, you are doing it only a few times a week and weight training on the other days.
Sunday, November 13, 2005, 12:17 PM
I'm the Sunday, November 13, 2005, 9:55 AM poster..
I break it up between the treadmill and the stepper /cross trainer... I dont do the bike coz I prefer doing high intensity 40 mins then pulling on low intensity for 1 hour. The bike in my gym is the relaxed sitting position one (dont know what its formally called) and its only the calves and lower thighs getting the workout. Sudden changes in incline/speed of whatever gym equipment (once you are totally warmed up) makes a difference ..
Monday, November 14, 2005, 12:33 AM
incline seems to help knee impact
I sometimes have problems with my knees when I run. On the treadmill, I always set it for a slight incline (setting is "1" on the treadmills at my gym) when running and this really seems to help -- seems to displace the impact on the knees.
I set the incline for higher when I am cooling down and walking -- I figure why not make it a little harder?
Monday, November 14, 2005, 10:53 AM
I do the same as the above poster. I run at a "2" incline and that really seems to help my knees.
I have tried a lot of machines and the only thing that is a sure way for my to lose weight is running on the treadmill for 30min. at least three days a week. I'm 5'10 and weigh 160, here's my running schedule (after a 3min. warm up):
"2" incline the entire time
8min. at 5.0 - 5.2 (depending on how i'm feeling)
2min. walking at 3.0
repeat 2 more times then a 3min. cool down.
It really works for me because running is very hard for me so it's nice to feel like I only need to run 8min. before I can take a break than to run 30min to reach break time. I usually burn between 270 - 290 cal.
I then do 10 min. of weight lifting, mostly machines
And another 10min. of different ab exercises. The 20min. combined burns about 150 cal.
I have tried this two seperate times in my life and in conjunction with eating healthy and in resonable portions I lose a pound a week. It's a rough schedule especially since I try to do it 4-5 days a week, but it really works!
Monday, November 14, 2005, 12:08 PM
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