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Health problem. input?

I had a bad cold and flu a week ago and this week I've noticed myself feeling more fatigued, a little light headed and dizzy at times and also have noticed myself bruising easily( 3 new dark bruises on my legs and arm). To me that says IRON DEFICIENCY...but my lab results came back fine and my doctor doesnt seem worried. But I just don't feel right! I'm going to get another opinion, but until then what do you guys think? Could my body just be recovering from being smacked down by the flu? Anemia? Insulin problem? I'm building this up and starting to freak out!

Thu. Apr 26, 10:33am

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It could just be recovery from the flu. But if you keep feeling run-down, bruising easily, etc., don't let your doctor blow you off. A second opinion is a good idea. The bruising sounds concerining; the rest sounds normal. But be persistent, your health is the most important thing!

Thursday, April 26, 2007, 10:51 AM

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Okay, I'm not a doctor or anything but I've gone through periods of bruising in the past and this is what i've learned!

Your exhaustion/weakness could just be your body recovering from the flu-the flu takes a lot out of your body whether you are young or old, healthy or not. It's a serious virus!

If you just had this flu a week and a half ago, the easy bruising is not likely to be caused by that. Do you lift weights and do cardio? The reason I ask is that vigorous exercise can tear capillary walls and cause bruising. Any time in my life when I've taken on a serious exercise routine I notice I get a lot more bruises, a lot more easily. You are pumping more blood through your body with your blood vessels dilated when you exercise and some movements can cause tiny tears. These types of bruises aren't harmful and they are quite common.

Also-have you recently started taking any new medications or supplements? If so, look them up or ask a pharmacist or doctor if they can cause bruising. Asprin, Warfarin, Ticlid, Ibuprofen and Plavix reduce the body's ability to clot blot which can cause easy bruising. Garlic, fish oil, ginger, and ginko, all have a blood thinning effect which when taken for a long period of time can cause bruising. If you aren't taking any supplements or medications that could be causing this, take a look at your diet-you might be lacking some nutrients other than iron. Try to eat more leafy greens (spinach, chard, kale, collard greens etc) and taking vitamin K, zinc, or vitamin C.

Also-age and skin thickness play a factor-as we age, out capillaries get thinner, as does our skin (and some of us who were born w/ pale, thin skin already have this problem!) and bruising is a normal part of aging.

If none of these things are a possibility and your bruises continue, I would see a doctor to rule out conditions that could cause bruising-hemophilia, leukemia, platelet dysfunction or a connective tissue disorder. It is highly unlikely that your recent bruising is caused by any of these but it can't hurt to get a second opinion!

Hope this helps!

Thursday, April 26, 2007, 12:58 PM

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