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Is Anyone With Me?

Lately I have been feeling depressed and I have been doing Terrible on my diet by overeating and giving into fast food cravings. Is anyone feeling the same way? Or anyone have any suggestions on how to re-motivate myself?

Sat. Nov 12, 12:08am

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I feel your pain! Try hanging up a pair of pants or something you want to fit into someday for inspiration. I hung up a pair of size 7 paints from high school on my wall in my room and It’s helped a lot.

Saturday, November 12, 2005, 12:21 AM

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When I start to get that way, I try to remind myself how much better I'll feel if I eat better and get some exercise endorphins pumping. It's funny, but after I fill up on "comfort foods" like fast foods I feel better for a few minutes, and then I find myself feeling worse than I did before.
When I go a couple of days eating well and getting some form of exercise I feel proud of myself and my body feels better. It's not easy to start when you're down, but I bet if you do it for a day or two you'll see a difference.
I hope you feel better soon.

Saturday, November 12, 2005, 12:55 AM

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winter is coming

I think this is the urge to pack on the weight and calories for the winter... it is something in our makeup- hard to fight against.
Only thing that helps is to make it impossible to be able to go get the fast food... do different things, switch up your routine... go a different route home or to work... make sure you pack a lunch or healthy snack, have no money on hand to spend to get the fast food...
One of my bad snack times was in the afternoon... so I started working out or taking a walk during that time.. it really helped me lose that habit and now when I work out during another time, the afternoons are better at non snacking.

Saturday, November 12, 2005, 6:59 AM

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